Linux Kernel – now back online

Almost one month ago, the official distribution site for the Linux kernel was shut down following a serious malware incident. The people behind the Linux kernel discovered malware on the PC of at least one kernel maintainer, as well as on the servers themselves.

The good news is that is now back online. Although rather less than 100%:

Thanks to all for your patience and understanding during our outage and please bear with us as we bring up the different systems over the next few weeks. We will be writing up a report on the incident in the future

Yes, this was malware specifically designed to target Linux. Which just goes to show, if the right someone puts their mind to it, Linux is no less vulnerable than other platforms. Anyway, glad to see them up and running again…it is a welcome, if somewhat belated, return.

2 thoughts on “Linux Kernel – now back online”

  1. I just wanted to let You know that I appreciate the things You and others do to make the computer interesting and safe for Us amateurs.. thanks a million….. STEVE

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