Search Results for: windows 7

2013 will be the year of Microsoft: how the new ecosystem will mark the beginning of an era

  2010 will be remembered by some as the year of the Great Patent Wars. After it became clear that Android had really taken off and was making serious money for companies like Google, Motorola, Samsung, and HTC, Apple chose to fight back. Litigiously. From […]

2013 will be the year of Microsoft: how the new ecosystem will mark the beginning of an era Read More »

Mark your calendars for May 28th: 1st Annual B.I.T.E. Back Against Malware

[important] Please join DCT on May 28th for the first annual Beat Internet Threats Everywhere (B.I.T.E.) Day. A one day effort to take a BITE out of malware infections by significantly reducing infection rates and protecting personal information throughout the world. Encourage your friends and

Mark your calendars for May 28th: 1st Annual B.I.T.E. Back Against Malware Read More »

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