I’ll raise you $200 – no wait, I’m all in!

Texas Hold ’em poker, don’t ya just love it! Rags to riches stories, the characters and the drama, what’s not to like. I take ’em on regularly, only pretend of course! I am not a gamer by any means but I do love a few hands of Texas Hold ’em poker. Some time back I hunted around for a good free poker game, there are not too many really good ones available, fortunately there is one standout – it’s called Poker TH Portable.

Poker TH Portable is available for download from PortableApps.com HERE. Game play can be either local – against computer generated players, or online – the real monty. I’ve never tried the online option, I’m okay with pretend dollars but I’m far too stingy to risk real money.

Each mode is easily selectable from the opening interface:

Clicking on “Settings” will take you to an options menu where you can change the game parameters – aspects such as the number of players, amount of starting cash and how often the blinds will increase:

You can even put a human face on the players via the “Nicks/Avatars” settings. Double clicking on each player’s box will bring up a selection of 25 pre-set faces to choose from:

Gameplay is realistic and can be as fast or as slow as you wish, simply use the “Speed” slider at bottom right of the game interface to adjust the pace of the game to your liking. Sorry I can’t tell you more about the online play – playing against the computer generated opponents is fairly challenging though, the AI is pretty good and they do bluff at times. I’ve had hours of fun with the game, hope you get some enjoyment out of it too.

  • Download from PortableApps.com HERE: 11.4MB exe – 29.9MB installed
  • Download from FreewareBB HERE

2 thoughts on “I’ll raise you $200 – no wait, I’m all in!”

  1. ESET promo code

    Definitely my favorite card game Jim, but I am absolutely hopeless at it!

    1. LOL. All I can advise is: In this game patience is a virtue, weather a run of bad cards and play the good hands hard.


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