
How To Delete Captions In Word Documents

You will not believe how easy this is!

If you would like to delete a caption from your Word document, all you need do is select the caption and tap your Delete key! If there are more captions in your document when you are finished removing the ones you no longer want, you can then update them.

Follow the step below to learn how:

  • Press CTRL + A which will select all text in your document, and then press F9 to update

Now all your caption numbers are in order after you have removed the ones you no longer want!

Told you it was super easy!

2 thoughts on “How To Delete Captions In Word Documents”

    1. Hi Tom,

      I am not sure what kind of caption you are using or which version of Microsoft Word you are using. Please provide me with that information and I will attempt to assist you. Thank you for your interest!


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