
How to Add/Remove Autocorrect Entries In Word 365

This has in the past seemed to be a very difficult action for folks. It is very simple and one of the easier things you can learn to do in Word. So let’s get to it, shall we?

Want To Remove Entries From Your AutoCorrect List?

Follow the steps below:

Go to your AutoCorrect tab.

  1. In the Replace box, key in the word you would like to  remove from your list
  2. Select the entry from your list
  3.  Select Delete

Want To Add An AutoCorrect Entry To Your List?

Follow the steps below to learn how:

Go to the AutoCorrect tab.

  1.     In the Replace box, key in a word or phrase that you often misspell
  2.     In the With box, key in the correct spelling of the word
  3.     Select Add

It doesn’t get much easier than this and now you don’t have to worry about misspelling words any longer!

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