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How to fix: Explorer folder windows all open the same size
Jim Hillier
January 26, 2011 - 6:47 pm
Member Since: August 9, 2011
Forum Posts: 2705
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I believe it is now safe to say that Windows 7 has been accepted pretty well by the masses and is being widely recognised as (arguably) the best Windows operating system to date (apologies to the die hard XP fans ). BUT there remains room for improvement and there are still some minor annoyances:

Firstly, let me emphasize that we are talking about Windows Explorer folders here and not applications.

Unlike XP, which would remember size and positioning for each individual folder window, it seems Windows 7 utilises a global setting for all Explorer folders; it will remember the position and size of the last open folder window only and apply that setting to all folders, across the board.

Personally, I find this limitation most annoying; e.g. I want the Recycle Bin to always open minimised (so it displays in a smaller window) and my Documents folder to open full screen but I cannot apply those settings separately. If I open the Recycle Bin and then minimise it and close out, when I then open my Documents folder it will open with the same (minimised) view and in the identical (screen) position. Conversely, if I open my Documents folder and maximise it (to full screen), then close out and open the Recycle Bin, it will also open maximised......extremely irritating!!

Apparently these 'universal' folder settings are not a bug but rather a deliberate change made by Microsoft. I have researched this issue and it appears there is not a fix available from within Windows itself. Fortunately, there is a very good freeware called ShellFolderFix which provides an effective solution.

[url=http://www.sevenforums.com/customization/40916-shellfolderfix-manage-folder-window-positions-size.html:3l4xs3el]ShellFolderFix[/url:3l4xs3el] forces Windows 7 Explorer folder windows to remember their size and positioning, individually. I have tested the 64-bit zip (portable) version and it works a treat.....yippee!!

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