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Tolerance goes with Social Media
Sherri Meinke
February 1, 2016 - 4:09 pm
Member Since: July 10, 2014
Forum Posts: 30
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Disclaimer: I feel the need to rant. That being said...climbing onto my soapbox to rant.

When it comes to Social Media, if you find you’re friending and unfriending people, following and unfollowing people all the time based on someone’s thoughts and ideas, you just don’t get it.

You aren’t expected to like everyone’s views, but you are expected to accept them. It’s not that you don’t have a right to limit what you can hear, it’s that rights aren’t the point – you aren’t being a reasonable, tolerant, open person – all social media values – if you block out everything you don’t agree with.

People are people, with different tastes, opinions, likes and dislikes. When people post things you don’t agree with to their walls, and it shows up in your newsfeed, accept it. If you can’t, you really don’t belong in social media at all – delete your account and go where only people like you are.

Stepping down and taking a bow. I feel so much better now.

Sherri Meinke


Lexa, AR

February 1, 2016 - 4:30 pm
Member Since: April 29, 2013
Forum Posts: 740
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I am glad that made you feel better!!!!!

Marc Thomas
February 2, 2016 - 7:24 am
Member Since: November 6, 2013
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YouTube can also be considered as social media and the comments sections there are pretty much a free for all with no moderation whatsoever, which is the way it should be if we are to live in an uncensored society.
I posted a negative comment about PewDePie on his 10 billion views video which resulted in me being called a nigga, a faggot, a motherf*cker and numerous other suggestions related to my mother´s anatomy and my sexual orientation.
Hilarious doesn't quite cover it.

September 4, 2019 - 9:38 am
Member Since: March 30, 2019
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a piece of advice I was given early in life was "to be careful whose advice you accept"

in the age of social media, there is no shortage of people offering opinions and few equipped to assess the value of that advice

even advice to leave social media

Montreal, Canada
September 4, 2019 - 4:04 pm
Member Since: September 17, 2008
Forum Posts: 667
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Well said slide9595. I do not know how the term "Social Media" came to be, but quite honestly like you mentioned, maybe a better term would be "POO" for (people offering opinions), Mindblower!

"For the needy, not the greedy"

Richard Pedersen
September 5, 2019 - 1:46 am
Member Since: July 31, 2012
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Mindblower said
Well said slide9595. I do not know how the term "Social Media" came to be, but quite honestly like you mentioned, maybe a better term would be "POO" for (people offering opinions), Mindblower!  

Hi MB!

Interestingly, we have an upcoming article from Marc Thomas on this very subject. How about that!

Richard Pedersen
September 5, 2019 - 1:50 am
Member Since: July 31, 2012
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The internet is one of those places where you can find thousands of people who will agree with you no matter how crazy you might be.

George Mennell
2562 Adonais Way Atlanta, GA 30310
July 6, 2020 - 4:29 am
Member Since: July 6, 2020
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I agree, it’s really true) The modern world is constantly changing, I just recently began to study the aspects of psychology, society and communication on the Internet through genders, I wrote my thoughts in an essay studydriver.com/gender-equality/ I recommend studying my work on gender equality, which is very relevant in the modern world and Of course, on the Internet, social networks, society, in sports is no exception. I wish you all a good relationship, communication! Good luck to everyone!!!

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