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Hi Guys !
December 2, 2008 - 9:52 pm
Member Since: November 9, 2008
Forum Posts: 24
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Hi Ya ! I am smallships the reason for the tag name is that I spend my spare time building wooden model ships eg: Endeavour [Cpt. Cook type] Endurance [Shackletons Polar vessel] etc etc, and then with my other spare time I spend it playing computers , which basically means asking all and sundry how to fix mine up after I have well and truly s*****d them up , why two computers ? Well I have to have a spare one so as when one is mucked up by yours truly I can use the spare to ask people how to fix the other !
I am only new to this site but so far it far out ways any other Group i have been involved with in the past ,which I might add goes back about twenty years and I still have not learnt to leave things well alone !
They say if it aint broke don't fix it ? Well it seems I have to break things to get my fix , so to speak !
Enough about me , but I must be a pain because they keep trying to keep me out of here by changing my password all the time , but I have a Mole in the system , so nice try Guys better luck next time ?
It is the third day of Summer here and is about 12deg.C outside and wet , someone forgot to tell Huey what month it was ? Where I am is the High Country in 'Gippsland' Victoria Australia and is Snow Country for a couple of months of the year , we have a Ski Resort [Mt. Baw Baw] about 8 Ks as the crow flies
and it can get very cold here ! Cheers All , smallships.

David Hartsock
December 3, 2008 - 4:52 am
Member Since: August 7, 2011
Forum Posts: 1117
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Welcome aboard mate!

The small models ships (since they're small does that make them boats?) sounds cool. You'll have to post some pics and share with everyone.

Jim Hillier
December 3, 2008 - 8:00 am
Member Since: August 9, 2011
Forum Posts: 2705
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Aye me hearty....some pics for us landlubbers would be most welcome indeed.

From a bloke who doesn't know the pointy end of a ship from the blunt end....great to have you here!!

cheers matey....JIM LAD.

Ken Harthun
December 3, 2008 - 4:33 pm
Member Since: August 11, 2011
Forum Posts: 86
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Welcome! We'd love to see some pictures

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