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Greeting the fellow members of this Ship
Flying Dutchman
September 2, 2010 - 7:09 pm
Member Since: September 2, 2010
Forum Posts: 278
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Hi everybody

I only recently discovered this nicely set up forum (seeing that Win XP is not being looked down fills me with joy) and have been looking around for the last couple of days.
I received "clearance" today to join, so here I am. What can I tell you about myself?

I'm just a regular guy who's into computer stuff, hardware & software, out of pure personal interest. I'm my own boss, so I decide my hours and do like to surf around, get all latest news about a variaty of IT related stuff, try out new software and learn how to do new things or in a better way.
Deciding to not blindly trust or rely on the "tech guys" (present company excluded, of course), helped me improving my knowledge, competence and skills with all this stuff; so, I'd say I'm adequately tech savvy. With time, this made me my family's "tech guy", enjoying their blind trust

Enough with the bubble, though.
Hope to be able to add something of value.

See ya.

I am human

Jim Hillier
September 3, 2010 - 12:13 am
Member Since: August 9, 2011
Forum Posts: 2705
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Hey FD - Welcome aboard me hearty!!

Nice intro...thanks for that.

Anyway...participate, contribute and above all...enjoy!!

Cheers (or should that be avast ).....Jim

Chad Johnson
September 3, 2010 - 10:51 am
Member Since: August 11, 2011
Forum Posts: 867
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welcome! you'll find that the only thing we look down upon is Internet Exploder 6 and below. Otherwise, most all technology is fun to explore and play with (although, the Newton probably won't have too much knowledge base around here).

anyhoo---glad you could join us....


David Hartsock
September 4, 2010 - 9:34 am
Member Since: August 7, 2011
Forum Posts: 1117
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Welcome to the forum! We're glad to have you here and hope to see you around here often!

Flying Dutchman
March 15, 2012 - 8:11 am
Member Since: September 2, 2010
Forum Posts: 278
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Hey DCT,

I haven't been around for such a long time, I feld it was only fair to first post in the Introduction subforum.


So, nice to meet you all... again.

I've been away (can't believe it's been already three months) due to mostly a lot of health related issues I had to deal with. This didn't really help my mood, and so, though time wasn't really such a big deal, I chose not to be active because I was stressed most of the time and didn't want to bring it to DCT.

Things seem to have more or less found their rythm and though now I do have a bit of time constraint coz of work, I hope I'll be able to participate more - that is, if you still want me here.


Anyway, enough chat.

Looking forward to spending more time with you.



Flying Dutchman


P.S. I have to get used to the new look and setup, having a hard time finding my way around.


P.S2. I just noticed a funny thing: I seem to be a member here longer than Dave and the rest of the DCT team. Hmm, so, how did you guys become mods and admins so fast?

I am human

Jim Hillier
March 15, 2012 - 4:11 pm
Member Since: August 9, 2011
Forum Posts: 2705
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Hey FD - Welcome back!!!!

P.S. I have to get used to the new look and setup, having a hard time finding my way around.

Yep, I had difficulties too. Didn't take too long to get used to it though.

P.S2. I just noticed a funny thing: I seem to be a member here longer than Dave and the rest of the DCT team. Hmm, so, how did you guys become mods and admins so fast?

LOL. We had to set up fresh profiles when the forum was transferred, so joining dates now show from that time. Member profiles (including join dates) were simply carried over.


David Hartsock
March 17, 2012 - 8:50 am
Member Since: August 7, 2011
Forum Posts: 1117
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline

Jim is right on the money!

Very glad to have you back Dutchy!

Jim is also right about the join dates. There is no conspiracy or other funny business, just a byproduct of moving to a new platform.

The functionality is the same as before (for the most part), but things are in slightly different places.

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