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Changing ISP's after problems-What are DSL, ADSL, ADSL2, etc?
Chad Johnson
June 29, 2009 - 12:39 pm
Member Since: August 11, 2011
Forum Posts: 867
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I'm amused that on my home connection I have a 10 down / 2 up connection. But at work we have a single T1 line. That's 1.5 in each direction.

We host two web apps (one of them pretty heavily used), FTP servers (6 at last count), 2 rsync hosts and probably more that I am not thinking of, plus our normal internet traffic. Additionally, our Exchange and parent company apps are offsite, so are accessed through the same T1.

The internet at work is SLOOOOWWWWWW.

I finally talked them into a second T1, so we'll have (woo hoo) 3Mbps for all of that, but now they want to add in offsite remote capabilities (people coming in through our T1s to remote desktop into machines here).

Why they don't run fibre and be done with it is anyone's guess.

David Hartsock
June 30, 2009 - 1:52 am
Member Since: August 7, 2011
Forum Posts: 1117
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Hey Zig,

You might want to look into some of the newer dual WAN gateways and business cable internet access. You can get business cable in some higher bandwidths (6Mpbs, 8Mpbs, 10Mpbs, etc) for a MUCH lower price than a second T1. The gateway will let you bind the cable (or DSL) and the T1 together and included a fail switch should one or the other fail. You'll get the promised reliability of the T1 with the blazing speed of cable/DSL and save the company lots of dough!

Chad Johnson
June 30, 2009 - 10:49 am
Member Since: August 11, 2011
Forum Posts: 867
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Oh, I hear you Dave.

But the powers that be (~cough~management~cough~) insist on the tried and true.

I presented proposals for Fiber, microwave, Cable, and lots of combinations and mixes and matches, but they went the tried and true T1 theory.

So in 4 months when we saturate the dual T1, maybe they'll listen.

FWIW - our local office is 14 people, but our webapps gets upwards of 3000 hits a day. Since we deal with images these are very bandwidth intensive.

Le sigh.

David Hartsock
June 30, 2009 - 7:32 pm
Member Since: August 7, 2011
Forum Posts: 1117
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Well, if it is any help to your argument... We have many DS3 fiber circuits (dry), and a few T1 circuits, AND a business cable connection. In all honesty the cable has been as reliable as the DS3's and more reliable than the T1's.

Sometimes management's conservative attitude toward technology is a pain in the butt!

Chad Johnson
July 1, 2009 - 1:49 pm
Member Since: August 11, 2011
Forum Posts: 867
sp_UserOfflineSmall Offline


Sometimes management's conservative attitude toward technology is a pain in the butt![/quote:1jq2z4rj]


hold on a second..

~reboots an NT4 server~
~reboots a Win95 machine~
~kicks a DOS box~

sorry, it's all the time around here.

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