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21 thoughts (Old Farts Version)
Montreal, Canada
January 6, 2023 - 7:08 pm
Member Since: September 17, 2008
Forum Posts: 667
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1. The biggest joke on mankind is that computers have begun asking humans to prove they aren’t a robot.
2. When a kid says “Daddy, I want mommy” that’s the kid version of “I’d like to speak to your supervisor.”
3. I don’t mean to interrupt people but I just randomly remember things and get really excited.
4. I thought growing old would take longer.
5. It’s weird being the same age as old people.
6. I’m at that delusional age where I think everyone my age looks way older than I do. 
7. Just once I want a username and password prompt to say CLOSE ENOUGH.
8. If I am ever on life support unplug me and plug me back in and see if that works.
9. Do you ever wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and think… “That can’t be accurate.?!
10. I see people out there zip lining and mountain climbing and here I am feeling good about myself because I got my leg through my underwear without losing my balance.
11. Last night the internet stopped working so I spent a few hours with my family. They seem like good people.
12. If Adam and Eve were Cajuns they would have eaten the snake instead of the Apple and saved us all a lot of trouble.
13. We celebrated last night with a couple of adult beverages…Metamucil and Ensure.
14. You know you are getting old when friends with benefits means having someone who can drive at night.
15. Weight loss goal: To be able to clip my toenails and breathe at the same time.
16. After watching how some people wear their masks I understand why contraception fails.
17. Some of my friends exercise every day, meanwhile I am watching a show I don’t like because the remote fell on the floor.
18. For those of you that don’t want Alexa listening in on your conversation they are making a male version….it doesn’t listen to anything.
19. I just got a present labeled, From Mom and Dad, and you know damn well Dad has no idea what’s inside.
20. Now that I have lived through a plague I totally understand why Italian renaissance paintings are full of fat people lying on couches.
21. Now that we have everyone washing their hands correctly…next week…..Turn Signals. 

"For the needy, not the greedy"

Jim Hillier
January 6, 2023 - 7:20 pm
Member Since: August 9, 2011
Forum Posts: 2705
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Haha. Very funny one-liners there MB. Good one. The scary thing is... I can relate to many of them. 🙂

Richard Pedersen
January 6, 2023 - 7:26 pm
Member Since: July 31, 2012
Forum Posts: 204
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Thanks, MB, for the fun stuff. I can relate... sadly 🙁

February 10, 2023 - 8:55 pm
Member Since: January 31, 2019
Forum Posts: 13
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Now that we have everyone washing their hands correctly…next week…..Turn Signals.
Love it and how true is that!!

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