WinAntiRansom Plus: Total Ransomware Protection

Cybercriminals were churning out new malware samples at a rate of more than 230,000 a day throughout 2015 ~ <source>

ransomware-keyAs I mentioned in a recent article, Ransomware is fast becoming one of the most widespread and dominant threats. There are ways to mitigate the threat of course, such as not clicking on unknown embedded links or not opening email attachments from unknown or unreliable sources, but even if one rigidly follows common security protocols, there is still a chance that a system can become infected with Ransomware.

Take Malvertising for example, which doesn’t require any user interaction to deliver its malicious payload. Just visiting an affected website is often enough. Malvertising is on the increase not only because it is an effective way to expose millions of systems but also because it’s very difficult to combat. So it’s unlikely that Malvertising will be going away any time soon.

During recent research on the topic, I discovered that most, but certainly not all, Premium antivirus products include some type of anti-ransomware protection. However, what is unclear is just how comprehensive or effective that protection might be. And if you’re using a free antivirus product, it’s a pretty safe bet that you are not protected against Ransomware at all.

WinAntiRansom Plus

WinAntiRansom Plus is a relatively new Premium software (launched December 20th, 2015) coming to us from the well respected WinPatrol stable and dedicated to protecting against all types of Ransomware.


WinAntiRansom employs a multi-layered defense to protect your computer and your valuable data from Ransomware attacks. At the core of WinAntiRansom is our powerful artificial intelligence engine that detects and blocks Ransomware better than any other product on the market.

As you can see from the above screenshot, WinAntiRansom Plus includes lots of configurable elements to protect the system. I could explain them to you but, in all honesty, you’re probably going to learn just as much, if not more, by visiting and reading through the home page here:

And I suppose I’m not actually reviewing this product, more just making you aware of it. Besides the fact that I probably don’t have the know-how or resources to thoroughly test the software, I’m quite prepared to accept that, coming from such a well respected and trusted source, it’s pretty much bound to be top notch and as advertised. What I’m mainly here for is let you know about THE DEAL.

WinAntiRansom Plus is available for a limited time at the sensational price of just $29.95us for a LIFETIME license covering up to 5 PCs. But wait, there’s more! While perusing the home page a popup appeared offering a further 20% discount. I was sold. Yes, I was merely looking into the software with a view to writing this article and ended buying WinAntiRansom Plus for myself. I’m a sucker for a bargain.

*NOTE: It may take a little while for the 20% discount offer to popup. It seems to be pretty random, sometimes popping up after around 30 seconds or so but other times not until after several minutes. Just be patient, don’t leave the page, and it should eventually put in an appearance.

war-discount offer

Here’s a comparison chart between WinAntiRansom Plus and its closest competitors (also available on the home page)


And a video of WinAntiRansom in action:

Bottom Line

With so many different threats coming at us from a variety of different directions, balancing one’s defenses is becoming a bit of a juggling act. The “layered’ approach has always been advocated by experts, but just how many layers can a system sustain? One thing I know for sure, Ransomware is a nasty piece of work which often costs its victims dearly, either in terms of lost data or hard earned cash. It’s definitely one threat that all users would be happy to avoid.


8 thoughts on “WinAntiRansom Plus: Total Ransomware Protection”

  1. Thanks for reviewing this Jim because I do not believe many people know about this. As far as I am concerned this beats all the other Anti-Ransomware software vendors ….. YES including Malwarebytes hands down.

    The Lifetime license, price, extra 20% off then to beat it all it covers 5 pcs, you will be hard pressed to find another deal like this. Honestly, you will not even know it’s running until it blocks something.

  2. Hi Jim,

    I have been using Emsisoft for a couple of years, Anti-Virus, Anti-Malware – PUPs etc, and recently it was the first programme to define and stop Ransomware, still within the same programme.
    I purchase annually on the CloudEight site and the last purchase was $49.95 with a $10.00 discount.
    The AV tests always show Emsisoft at, or close to the top of the list in protection.
    I don’t mind paying for security against all the ‘nasties’ which abound the Internet, and if there is a problem the support response is within 24 hours.



    1. Hi Jonno – Yes, I know you are a fan of CloudEight, suffice to say that I am definitely not! (I’m prepared to expand and clarify in a private email if you wish).

      We do not have any affiliations here, no kickbacks or benefits for promoting products. Our reviews and recommendations are totally unbiased and not based on any sort of quid pro quo or financial gain.

      I have absolutely nothing against Emsisoft, in fact I think their security software is very good. I cannot say the same for CloudEight however.

  3. Jim, thanks for letting us know about this product. Many of us did not know that anything like it was available. Have been using this company’s simple and comprehensive WinPatrol for years without a hitch.

    Good price on the WinAntiRansom Plus, 20% discount, lifetime license, and covers 5 computers. Quick and easy to install. Hard to beat.

  4. Jim,
    Thank you for this information, my brother talks of how their County system has been infected a couple of times by ransomware. Frequent backups are what helps them. I do backups, and they are not connected to my computer, but they are infrequent, to say the least. I didn’t know about this kind of software, went to their website, waited until the discount popped up, then purchased their bundle of WinPatrol, WinPrivacy and WinAntiRansom.

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