Weather Forecast Interrupted by Windows 10 Upgrade Nag (video)

One of the most common complaints about Microsoft’s various methods for relentlessly pushing Windows 10 is the upgrade nag screen which can pop up at the most inconvenient times. By default, Windows displays these upgrade prompts at random with scant regard for the user’s workflow.

This annoying behavior was on full display recently when the Windows 10 upgrade notice hijacked a weather forecast being presented live by KCCI meteorologist Metinka Slater. Ms. Slater handled the situation with grace and aplomb, but it’s a prime example of how these Windows 10 notifications have absolutely zero sense of priority:

Sunny with a chance of Nags?

Apparently, the techs at KCCI haven’t heard of GWX Control Panel, perhaps they need to subscribe to DCT. πŸ™‚


9 thoughts on “Weather Forecast Interrupted by Windows 10 Upgrade Nag (video)”

  1. With GWX Control Panel no one need be bothered by M/$oft’s insistent pushing of win10.

  2. And speaking of nags, every time I visit DavesComputerTips β€” which I usually do soon after I receive Dave’s newsletter, to which I am subscribed β€” a popup that says, WHY NOT SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER? interrupts my reading, and occasionally, my posting. Yep, there it goes again. πŸ™‚

    1. Kelltic,
      Sorry you’re having problems with the subscription popup. If you click the “X” in the upper right hand corner it will set a cookie in your browser and not re-appear as long as the cookie is present on your computer.

      1. Yes, that’s fine and dandy but I like my browser to clean everything, when it closes. So, it’s an irritation when I have to come back to see it.
        Exactly what do I save as a cookie to add to the “exceptions” list?

  3. I’m waiting for a W10 update to interrupt something crucial to peoples health and well-being, such as air-traffic control. This appears to be a wrongful-death lawsuit waiting to happen.

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