Super Drone! Are They Going Too Far?

We have all seen these flying marvels either in the air or on the news? Drones have became the new big thing to own nowadays. Plus they have grabbed a lot of media attention for the way in which some businesses and civilians are using them. With that being said let’s talk a little bit about these “TOYS”.

When you see something flying  in the air you think… It’s a bird, It’s a plane, It’s…



Unfortunately, nowadays, it is more probable to find a drone in the sky rather than a Superman. The new problem is what to do with these flying menaces. While a full-sized plane is governed by rules and regulations that must follow be followed, as laid down by the FCC, drones can go just about anywhere with rules that are practically non-existent, and seemingly only “suggestions.” These suggestions include keeping the drone within sight and below 400 feet – not very exact are they? As of now, the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is trying to pass regulations that would require drones to be registered. This would most likely be only for larger drones that can fly high enough to interfere with aircraft. With the way the drone craze is going I’m a little worried about what some people might use them for.

We have already seen many businesses like Amazon trying to get them in the air to deliver your packages. Then you have Google trying the same thing on their side. Considering how big these companies are can you imagine how many of these drones you will end up seeing in the air? Then you would have to worry about what else these little guys might up to. This is just what businesses are looking to do, then we have the personal drones which are causing issues of their own.


It isn’t recent now, but a short while ago, a Kentucky man saw a drone flying over his backyard, and when it wouldn’t go away, the man shot it down. He was arrested for wanton endangerment and criminal mischief. And the drone operator? No charges were filed against him. Even though the shooter was perfectly within his rights to defend his property and the other man had no legal reason for being there, the unbelievable charges were upheld because he was in a residential area and discharged his gun without a need for self-defense.

I must protest!

I believe the victim (my choice of terminology), was perfectly within his rights to shoot at an unknown invader. I know I would have removed any threat to my family, perceived or otherwise. That drone obviously had a camera and if it had been videoing my family without my permission, heads would have rolled. It could have been casing my house for a future break-in, it could have been voyeurs perving on us, heck, it could even have been terrorists. While the last isn’t very plausible in my neighborhood, the first certainly is, the second is always scary and it’s certainly within my rights to stop the drone – with extreme prejudice.

I am glad the victim is obtaining an attorney to fight the charges and I wish him all the luck. What would you do if a drone was photographing your family in your backyard? Sit around just watching or take steps to intervene?


This is a very serious subject and we need to be aware of where this is all headed. Maybe in the long run this will turn out fine but keep your ears and eyes open. We might one day wake up to a world where drones are not only delivering our pizza but watching our every move. The pizza part is not bad but the watching is no-go. So next time you are looking to the sky remember – if it is not a bird, plane or Superman – it is probably a DRONE.

What’s your take this?


11 thoughts on “Super Drone! Are They Going Too Far?”

  1. I think this is crazy. No one has the right to invade my property with or without a drone. Being from the south we tend to shoot first and ask questions later. In other words I would do my best to blow the thing out of the sky.

    1. I agree Daniel if someone is flying a Drone with a camera over my property shooting first would be my reaction. Hopefully none of us will have to deal with this problem.

  2. I watched a video on Youtube the other night of a drone flying up to 1500ft.
    Imagine one of those being sucked into a jet engine.

    1. Wow now that is flying high. Do we really need consumer drones to fly that high? I think that should be only for commercial use and be required to register with the FAA

  3. I think there’s a fine line between technological advancement and too paranoid, but I agree there needs to be some boundaries so it need not get out of line. All technology runs the risk of being used for illegal and invasive purposes, we would have no sci-fi stories otherwise. I fear the knee jerk reaction of a trigger happy culture, but support wise and cautionary restrictions.

    1. You make some good points Jonny. Yes some people seem to find ways to use all advancements for illegal and invasive purposes. If we can get some regulations on these, maybe I will not have to react with a itching trigger finger. 🙂

  4. Hey, it’s me Big Booty, back with more feed back!

    Drones are crazy amazing from a technological, consumer, engineering and even economical standpoint. The applications are endless, from pizza delivery like you mentioned, to amazing camera shots done much more affordable than with helicopters in the past. Applications could even save us money as a government by fighting fires (or at least surveying them remotely) while saving lives!

    You bring up excellent points however, regulation. No spying on people isn’t the happiest thought (too bad a handful of nations already have satellites in space for that purpose and there’s little we can do about it) especially in the hands of creepy neighbor Joe. In my opinion the trouble isn’t with drones, it’s with creepy neighbor Joe. He could just as easily use binoculars or google earth maps for the purpose of planning any break in.

    As far as altitude and operations regulations, we certainly do need to delve deeper into this subject. Interference with planes is a deadly game to play and altitude restrictions should absolutely be put onto consumer or recreational flights. On top of that, consumers should also understand basic airspace regulations and no-fly zones (airports aren’t ideal drone zones).

    While drones are in their infancy and the possibilities are endless, I agree that more information, research and regulations should be had if we are to become a drone friendly world!

    Great article Jason!!

    1. Thanks Big Booty I love when you comment on my articles you bring a whole new view. Yes it is really to do with the operator and that the device. Maybe we can have drones that can fly at certain heights and speed be required to to be licensed. Just like when you have to get your pilot license or drivers lic.

  5. Hi Jason,

    Guns without a licence are banned in Australia, and, which is sometimes not believed, sling-shots are banned.
    CCTV cameras are licenced to be in a place where they are fixed, or mobile, as required.

    A drone with a camera should be registered and licenced, and, if not, confiscated and the owner be subjected to a severe penalty/punishment.

    Remember the Google fiasco, ‘strangers’ vehicles in the driveway, unknown to the owner of the property.

    1. The camera is the one feature that seems to me to be the catalyst of the problem. If they did not have a camera would we be so worried about them? Wow a sling-shot never would have known that. Thanks for commenting JoninOz 🙂 love hearing how things work in other parts of the world.

  6. Louis Ervin Jr

    Here in Mississippi, if a camera equipped drone flies incessantly over my house, I will terminate it with extreme prejudice. I don’t believe there is a justice court judge in the state who would charge me with a crime!

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