Insert Endnotes in your MS Word Documents

Word 2

Endnotes are references that are placed at the end of a section or the end of your document in MS Word.

Follow the steps below to learn how to insert Endnotes in your documents:

  1. Place your cursor where you would like your Endnote to appear in your document.
  2. Click on the References tab of your Ribbon.
  3. In the Footnotes group, click the Insert Endnote tool.
  4. An endnote mark will appear in your document and your cursor will move to the page where the endnotes will appear, which is most often the end of your document but will depend on how you have Word handling the endnotes in your document.
  5. Enter your endnote, with formatting as you would normally do with any text.
  6. Continue editing your document as you would normally.

That is just how easy it is to insert Endnotes in your document!

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