Firefox: Number 2 spot almost gone – revenue concerns

On October 1st we reported predictions that Chrome would likely overtake Firefox as number 2 browser as early as December this year – HERE. The number crunchers at StatCounter Global Stats are declaring this has now actually happened:

Google’s browser Chrome overtook Firefox for the first time globally on a monthly basis in November. Chrome took 25.69% of the worldwide market (up from 4.66% in November 2009) compared to Firefox’s 25.23%. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer still maintains a strong lead globally with 40.63%.

While I do not doubt the veracity of those figures, I have a preferred source for market share statistics which is showing that Chrome still has a little work to do:                                  

  • As at 30th November                             
  • Internet Explorer – 52.64%
  • Firefox – 22.14%
  • Chrome – 18.18%

The most telling statistics come with the variations taken from 1st January to 30th November; with both Internet Explorer and Firefox slumping through 2011 while Chrome’s market share has increased by some 7.03%. Maybe Chrome has now overtaken Firefox as number two browser, maybe not. If not just yet, Chrome is certainly on track to do so, and very soon.

Perhaps the diminishing user support for Firefox is the least of Mozilla’s worries, they are yet to finalize a new contract with Google. The partnership, which expired in November, has previously accounted for a massive 84% of Mozilla’s total revenue. Apparently there is some wiggle room and negotiations are ongoing, so hope springs eternal.

Personally, I can’t see either side taking a particularly hard-nosed approach, Mozilla need the revenue and Google would not wish too see Firefox’s preferences going to Bing – something which Mozilla has already intimated at. One thing for certain, it’s worrying times for Mozilla and its flagship Firefox browser.

9 thoughts on “Firefox: Number 2 spot almost gone – revenue concerns”

  1. All this talk about being number one, number two, passing up from behind, can make people think they are listening to a car race. I don’t care what browser is the flavour of the month, or what freaking reversion number it is now. I use a browser that has the features I enjoy, and of course is secure (that’s what I demand without actually having to mention it (like buying a car with a good engine and long life warranty).

    We all have different tastes, want different features, like the feel of this and not that, so I don’t see why there is so much to do about nothing. The companies that will partner with each other, will do so no matter what, to stop another from gaining a foot hold.

    We the users are in store for better things I hope, and not a ride into hell, Mindblower!

  2. Obviously i’m not a computer genius or computer business man BUT if google owns chrome why would they support firefox? i love firefox and hope they continue to support it….but why???

    1. The agreement between Mozilla and Google was established well before Chrome was even released. Besides, Mozilla is a non-profit organization dedicated to open source software – Google, on the other hand, is a corporate giant. In the realm of the corporate big guns Mozilla is insignificant – as far as Google is concerned Microsoft is the rival (and the enemy), and Apple too (to a lesser extent).

      If Google drops its support for Firefox, Mozilla is bound to strengthen ties with Bing, ergo Microsoft. Google would be reluctant to do anything which will push Mozilla into the enemy camp.


  3. You have a typo on your dates for November. One of the best things about Chrome is automatically updates itself and built in Flash Player. Great feature for people that never check for updates or install them if they find them.

    1. Thanks Big Daddy – one day too many. 🙂

      I went through the little rhyme in my head too – 30 days have September, April, June and November – still got it wrong, I am an idiot. LOL


  4. chuck (detailer)

    I use Chrome and FF,but NEVER Internet Exploder.The stats are interesting,but you know the old adage regarding numbers-you can make them say whatever you want them to.Cheers!

    1. you can make them say whatever you want them to.
      Chuck, you’re almost as great a skeptic as I am. 🙂
      What you say is very true but when the stats from a variety of different and completely separate sources are all saying pretty much the same thing then one has to give them some credence.


  5. Richard Anderson

    I quit using Firefox with ver. , it would not play any video. I downloaded Chrome, several things about it I don’t like but it does play any video I ask it to! Firefox is up to ver. 8 now & still doesn’t want to play videos!
    I’ve been using Firefox from when it was Netscape, at least 8 years & I never had any problem with videos until Ver 6
    Sad but if it won’t play videos I can’t use it!

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