
Fake Email Generator

How often are we required to enter an email address before getting into a site or maybe to download a white paper or an ebook? We think nothing of it, just a door to go through to obtain what we were going after.

Then we start getting all kinds of unwanted emails. This site allows you to create a fake email address that really works. Use the fake address when you sign up for something. You can check back and read the email you are getting at the fake address and if you decide you really want them, change the fake address to your real one for that site.


As soon as you access the site, you are shown an email address generated by the site. You can change the name to whatever you want. I changed it to rwe1953


You can pull down the arrow to choose a different domain from the drop-down list that may be closer to your location. You cannot make one up.

Once you have settled on the address, press COPY to place the entire address on the clipboard.

Send an email to that address to verify that it actually works. 


The email you sent appears at the Fake Mail site.

Anyone that knows your temporary email address can access the email sent to that address. However, email addresses are automatically deactivated 24 hours after the last time someone has checked for mail at that address. 

Email sent to inactive email addresses is automatically rejected. To keep your email address active, visit Fake Mail Generator at least once every 24 hours. Any email received by an active email address will be stored for 24 hours. After 24 hours it will be permanently deleted. 


This website simply creates an email address you can use one time and can receive email from it to verify its validity. Use it to limit the amount of junk mail that occurs when signing up for numerous sites. Another tool for your toolbox.


3 thoughts on “Fake Email Generator”

  1. Rosemary Sexton

    Thank you for the reminder to use a temporary email address to avoid a mail box filled with junk mail. This is a great tool!

  2. Thank you Dick. Tried it out and that 24 hour time limit is the only snag, BUT, when in a pinch, it is reassuring to have something for those pesky places which insist on a valid email address. This is a keeper, Mindblower!

  3. Good post – I have been using https://temp-mail.org/ on and off for a few years and believe they also have a chrome extension.

    I often use it for sites that may either spam or seem a bit risky – if its a dodgy site at least they don’t have my actual email address.

    Only thing is I’m not sure if some sites can detect possible temp emails and block them – some people for example may use temp email addresses for spam purposes.

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