Avira Phantom VPN Review

With the increasing levels of online surveillance, tracking, geolocation blocking and general interference from governments, VPN (Virtual Private Network) services are becoming more and more popular. The VPN market place is already quite crowded but a comparatively new service provided by the well known Germany based security company Avira piqued my interest. So I decided to take a look.

Avira Phantom VPN

Avira Phantom VPN is available in both Free and Pro editions with the free edition limited to 500MB data which can be doubled to 1GB via registration. For the purpose of this exercise we’ll be looking at the free version.

avira free vs pro

Download consists of a 4.7MB executable which, as one would expect, scans 100% clean through Virus Total. Installation is clean and pretty straightforward, although it does include the Avira management console. The software provides a minimal user interface with limited settings, including options to select a server from a range of countries, turn off diagnostic data collection, start the service with Windows, and (in the Pro version only) secure public Wi-Fi connections.

avria phantom - settings

Unfortunately, Avira seems intent on forcing its management console on users and this is installed as part of the deal. Installation places two new icons in the system tray – Avira’s readily recognizable management console icon plus another representing the VPN service. Switching the service on and off is a simple matter of clicking the VPN icon and selecting “Connect” or “Disconnect”, as the case may be. The icon displays red when disconnected and green when connected, which is a nice simple way for users to quickly ascertain the service’s status.

avria vpn-system trayavira vpn-system tray-connected

The range of countries to select from is predominantly European, no surprise there seeing how Avira is based in Germany, with the only two non-European options being Canada and the USA.

All VPNs slow down internet speed to some extent and it is just a case of how much, but Avira Phantom VPN does not include a ping test to help users select the server with the lowest latency. This may be fine for users based in Europe where every country is within a relatively close proximity but, for someone such as myself (in Australia), it would have been a very helpful feature. For example: I reviewed Hideaway VPN back in September last year, from the creators of Mailwasher, and it includes a ping test to identify the server with the lowest latency – in other words, the fastest server relative to the user’s specific location.

Anyway, I performed a couple of tests using the Ookla speed test site with the following results:

Normal - disconnected from VPN
Normal – disconnected from VPN
speed test - usa
Connected through US server
Connected through German server
Connected through German server

As you can see from the screenshots, ping latency is pretty high through both external country’s servers and this naturally equates to slower speeds overall. Of course, as I said earlier, this is all relative to each user’s location and the drop in speed will be exaggerated here in Australia due to my specific location. Obviously, for users within a closer locale, especially in and around Europe, any reduction in speed would be far less noticeable.

Avira Phantom VPN Pros

  • Very easy to set up and use. In fact, it requires virtually zero configuration, just select a country and connect.

Avira Phantom VPN Cons

  • No ping test available. Which means users must identify the fastest server location via trial and error (bearing in mind that the closest server will generally be the fastest).
  • Diagnostic data collection on by default. Would prefer if this was opt-in rather than opt-out.
  • Installs the Avira management console.

NOTE: Avira Phantom VPN’s feature list on the home page includes the promise “No logsAvira does not monitor what websites you visit“.

Bottom Line

avira-Phantom-vpnWhile 1GB per month for registered users of the free version is obviously not enough to sustain heavy downloading or streaming, it should be quite adequate for an average month of anonymous browsing, and more than enough to test the service if considering purchasing the Pro version. Speaking of the Pro version, when selecting a VPN, the most important aspects are zero logging together with a balance of speed to cost. There’s not much point in purchasing a VPN for privacy which maintains logs of your activity and little point in paying less for a service which is too slow to be used effectively.

There’s a useful run down of VPN services’ logging practices available on the TorrentFreak site here: VPNs and Logging, and, as far as speed is concerned, it really is a case of trying before buying.


8 thoughts on “Avira Phantom VPN Review”

  1. One new problem VPN services fail to mention concerns downloading torrents. Some VPN locations are banned from torrents. CyberGhost when set to manual, listing all those which cannot be used, and unless to check ahead of time, might wonder why you cannot download a torrent. Strange why nobody is pointing this out, Mindblower!

  2. Gilbert-Tyrelle

    I LOVE this Website (www.davescomputertips.com) and So will be making a contribution in the Near Future (via PayPal)! This is 1 of two go-to cyber-tech sites that I frequent often.

    Can you please do a review of Black VPN?!?
    I have done research on Many of the VPN’s out there and believe that this one comes the closest to meeting my needs!
    (It is also based out of Hong Kong which IS a Real PLUS for me)

    Hoping to hear from you soon!

    Eastern Seaboard USA

    1. Pretty difficult to test and review BlackVPN without actually buying it Gilbert, as they don’t have a free version. They do have monthly plans, why don’t you buy it for one month and see how it goes.

      Regardless of any reviews, nothing will be more informative than trying a VPN first hand.

  3. Using the free version, Avira told me I couldn’t connect to Netflix, USA.
    If they’re not monitoring my traffic, how did they know I was trying to connect to Netflix in the first place.

    I did get the paid version, however, and my speeds are good enough that I notice no significent slowdown.

  4. I recently purchased the full version of Avira Phantom VPN, what I found was that it takes between 10 and 50 seconds to resolve addresses before it will show a web page. I have contacted Avira about the problem and after a couple of weeks, they basically fobbed me off saying it will be fixed in an upgrade some time in the future. I realise a VPN might slow you a bit, but this is unacceptable, so beware before you shell out on this. btw. I have tried both home and away countries, surprisingly (I’m in the UK), the French server had the best timings all ~10 seconds. The UK one was ~30 seconds.

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