
Word 2010 – Quickly Copy Styles From One Document to Another

Word 2How many times have you had to create a document and you think to yourself, “wait, I did this for another document about a week ago!” And didn’t you wish that you could quickly copy the styles from your previous document to your new one? Well guess what? You can do that! And what’s more you can do it quickly and easily!

Follow the steps below to learn how:

Open both documents.

  1. Select a paragraph containing the style you would like to copy.
  2. Copy it to your Clipboard using CTRL + C.
  3. Move your cursor to the document where you would like the style.
  4. Paste the paragraph into your document using CTRL + V.
  5. The style has now been automatically added to the style list in your new document.

Of course, I am assuming that the style you copied does not already exist in your document. If the style you copied already exists in your new document, the style will not be copied into your document. Instead, once pasted into your document it will assume the attributes of the style already defined in your second document.

Another quick way to copy multiple styles from one document to another is using Organizer. You can do this in two ways:

  1. From the Developer tab | Document Template… or
  2. From Manage Styles | Import/Export | Edit tab.

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