
Windows 10 Quick Tips – Default Task Manager Tab

The Task Manager in Windows is a very useful tool and I use it a lot. It is also very flexible in that you can choose which columns it displays and what order they are sorted in. One very useful feature that might be overlooked by many is that you can cause it to open a particular tab when you launch it. That is what we are going to discuss in this Quick Tips article today.

Getting To The Setting

Run Task Manager (you can do this from the Start Menu)

That should bring you here:


Click image to enlarge

In the above image, Task Manager is opened to the Startup tab. It is very easy to change the default tab:

  1. Choose Options
  2. Hover over Set default tab
  3. Select the tab you want as the default when Task Manager starts

Talk about a Quick Tip! This is as quick as it gets.

As always, if you have any helpful suggestions, comments or questions, please share them with us,




2 thoughts on “Windows 10 Quick Tips – Default Task Manager Tab”

  1. Never knew this, and thanks.
    Only thing I’d add is the quick and easy way to open Task Manager: Ctrl-Shift-Esc, all along the left side of the keyboard.

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