Transfer Songs From iPod to iPad

A woman called and wanted me to transfer all her songs from an iPod to an iPad. I thought it would be straight forward but in my case, no such luck.

iPod to ipadAt first I figured it would just be a matter of backing up the iPod using iTunes and then restoring to the iPad. It worked out better in my head. On the iPad there was a setting called Find My iPad that I needed to disable but she didn’t know what the password was, so that option was out.

So online I went searching for information about transferring the files more manually. First I downloaded a program called PodTrans from iMobie.

I hooked up the iPod and followed iMobie’s guide here: to transfer the music files to my hard drive. 972 songs altogether. But after this I couldn’t find the option to transfer back to the iPad. Eventually, I found and followed the info here:

itunes-logo3I had already downloaded and installed iTunes (but never used it). I connected the iPad to my computer and went to the music library in iTunes. I dragged the files over by high-lighting all the files in the folder and dragged them over to iTunes. Then it was a matter of syncing them up with iTunes. But…

Half of the songs in iTunes where greyed out and so were the ones on the iPad (they where unplayable). Went searching online for some help but found nothing useful. So I decided to start over. I deleted all the files from the iTunes music library. Then I decided to drag the folder itself over and sync it up. And it worked.

I got there in the end and I guess all’s well that ends well.


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