The Netflix Effect – How the Internet is Changing TV

The kind folks over at Frame Your TV have created an interesting infographic showing how Netflix, and streaming in general, are changing the way we watch TV.
The Netflix Effect


3 thoughts on “The Netflix Effect – How the Internet is Changing TV”

  1. To be honest, apart from live news, weather and political debate, I can’t remember when we devoted much time to scheduled cable TV programs.
    Netflix has become a way of life when you want it and how much you want it.

  2. While I agree that Netflix is a force to be reckoned with, I also believe it has forced network TV and cable channels to up their game with their programming and as a result I’ve been watching some awesome television series like MadMen, The Walking Dead, Humans, Extant, Tyrant and others with great enthusiasm. If I miss an episode, its then available either on that network’s website or Hulu or eventually on Netflix. Currently, I binge watch shows like House of Cards on Netflix or movies. I’ve been debating dropping TV altogether in favor of streaming, but as I said, I think some networks are coming up with great programming. In the end, the commercials are an eyesore tho and I wonder how they’ll fit in down the line. I do know that cable in my area has gotten extremely expensive over the past few years.

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