Some time back I wrote about the frustration experienced when going through the process of setting up an iPad, HERE. I’m happy to report that the iPad has now found a new and welcoming home… in the hands of my lovely wife!
Now, my wife is beautiful and smart but she is also seriously electronically challenged – computers, electronic devices and gadgets are definitely not part of her particular skill set. She is a button presser – if she wants to change something she’ll keep randomly pressing buttons in the optimistic expectation that eventually she’ll hit the right one. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had to rescue the TV from some weird configuration or the other initiated by her experimental button pressing.
That said, I have to admit she handled her ‘takeover’ of the iPad with typical female ingenuity. Did she set up an I.D. or create an account… No! What she did do is sweet-talk one of the older grandchildren into downloading all the free games and apps she wanted through his account… clever girl!
Does she use the iPad for checking emails and browsing? Perish the thought! She uses it to play games remotely with the daughters and grandkids; games like Hanging With Friends, Words With Friends and Draw Something… and she loves it!
Peace and goodwill reign!!
And you’ll never guess what she got for Mothers Day… an iRobot vacuum cleaner. I kid you not! She sits back playing games on the iPad and sipping coffee while that wee beastie runs all round the house vacuuming the floors all by itself – did I tell you she was smart!
I never thought I’d see the day when I’d be cohabiting with a great grandmother, let alone a digital great grandmother.
I can actually imagine you and your lovely wife sitting in the recliners… hilarious!