Serial Numbers in a Word Document??

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I have a client who wrote to me asking if it was possible to include unique serial numbers in his document.  More than that, he wanted the numbers to be specific and not in order.

I advised my client that the quickest and easiest method to accomplish his task was to use Mail Merge in Word.

  1. Follow the steps below to learn how:
  2. Create a document that will contain only the serial numbers you will use.  Be sure to place them in a table with one serial number for each row.
  3. You will want to have a header in your table,  with an intuitive name, such as Serial Numbers.
  4. Now open the document in which you would like to place the serial number.
  5. On the Mailings tab of your Ribbon, in the Start Mail Merge group, select Start Mail Merge and select the type of merge you would like.
  6. Go through the steps of specifying your main document which is the one you opened above and your data source which is the table you created above.
  7. In your main document, insert a merge field that indicates where you would like your serial number to appear.
  8. Print your mail-merged documents.

The great thing about using this method is that you do not have to use sequential numbering and you can change the contents of your serial number table whenever you have the need!

<Versions 2007 – 2010>

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