
Robot Commits Suicide

According to the Daily Mail, a civil servant robot working at Gumi City Council in South Korea committed suicide and the locals are now mourning the loss. This is the first reported robot suicide.

I will call him Robby.

Robby was found unresponsive after what appears to have been a deliberate plunge down a two-meter staircase. Robby “was found smashed up lying in the stairwell between the first and second floors of the council building,” a Gumi City official said of the accident. Witnesses saw Robby mysteriously “circling in one spot as if something was there” before he fell, but the exact cause of the fall is still under investigation, a city council official said. “Pieces have been collected and will be analyzed by the company,” the official said, adding that Robby had “helped with daily document deliveries, city promotion, and delivered information” to local residents.

Robby “was officially a part of the city hall, one of us”, said one official. Robby “worked diligently.”

Robby was manufactured by Bear Robotics, a Californian robot-waiter startup. Robby was appointed in August 2023. Robby worked from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and had his own civil service officer card. Unlike other robots that could only use one floor, Robby was special. Robby could call an elevator and move to other floors by himself.

But Why?

But why did Robby kill himself? Was Robby overworked? Was Robby suffering from mental illness: robot bipolar syndrome, robot anxiety, robot depression, or robot schizophrenia perhaps? Was Robby being sexually harassed by another robot? Was Robby being bullied by the copier? Was Robby addicted to 3-in-1 oil and received a bad batch from his dealer? Maybe Robby was in an abusive relationship with the fax machine. Maybe Robby had a malignant tumor growing in his actuator and he could no longer stand the pain. Or maybe Robby’s Bitlocker wallet was breached and Robby was bankrupt.

Unfortunately, Robby did not leave a suicide note, so we may never know the true reason why Robby committed suicide.

Requiescat In Pace Robby!

Let me know in the comments why you think Robby committed suicide.

1 thought on “Robot Commits Suicide”

  1. Was Robby running Windows 11 ?
    Sometimes it is enough to give me temporary thoughts of self-harm too !!

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