
How To Remove QTTabGroup Popup

A while ago I installed a program called QTTabBar“.

It adds extra functions to Explorer like tab browsing. I don’t remember my reasons for uninstalling it but it seems to have left a bit of itself behind. Every time I turned on my computer I got a popup asking “How do you want to open this file?


I found out through some research that it puts an entry in the following folder (Note: Replace my name with your own account name):

C:\Users\Terry\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

You will need to set File Explorer to see hidden files first. Read here.

I went to the folder and found the entry called “QTTabBar Desktop Extension StartUp.QTTabGroup”. I right-clicked on it and selected Delete from the menu, then restarted my system to make sure it was gone.

It’s gone.

To manage your Startup Items better, try these articles.

1 thought on “How To Remove QTTabGroup Popup”

  1. Perhaps if you had used RevoUninstaller to uninstall the app, you would not have had this issue.

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