
How To Defer Windows Fall Creators Update

windows-update-feature-imageWindows 10 Updates

I, for one, no longer trust Microsoft to deliver bug-free updates. You need only refer to all the buggy patches they have foisted upon the masses during 2017. For that reason, I have gotten into the habit of deferring updates for a couple weeks to let the bugs shake out of the carpet. With all the “rings” they have set up, you would think the bugs would be discovered and dashed before they hit the general populace. Not so… it isn’t working out that way.

The thing is that the Fall Creators Update is due to begin rolling out to qualified machines this Patch Tuesday, October, 10. And it is a major update at that. There are so many things that could go wrong and I don’t want to be on the receiving end if there are problems. Microsoft doesn’t add all those “rings” for no good reason. They should add more “rings”, I think.

Today, I would like to share a simple way for you to defer these updates (for many months if you deem it necessary) and still keep getting Security Updates along the way. Security Updates may be buggy, too, but the rewards in this case outweigh the risks.

How To Defer Updates in Windows 10 Pro

  1. Use the Windows Key + I to open the Settings App
  2. Click on Update & security
  3. Click on Advanced options

That should bring up a window similar to this one:


In the section labeled, Choose when updates are installed, there are three selections we should talk about:

1. Current Branch, or Current Branch for Business:

  • Current Branch — Defers updates for up to 365 days
  • Current Branch for Business — Defers updates for up to 365 days after the update becomes available for businesses, usually four months later than regular consumers

2. Feature Updates — Choose the number of days you would like to defer the update

3. Quality Updates — Leave this at zero if you want to continue receiving the Security Updates in the mean time

Note: The updates will continue in normal fashion if you revert the settings to zero (0).

Windows 10 Home

The Home version of Windows  does not have dedicated settings to defer updates, but nearly the same thing can be achieved by setting your Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections to Metered. You will find these settings in the Settings App under the Network & internet option.

You may see two options in the left panel:

  1. Wi-Fi
  2. Ethernet (in this window you will have to choose which connection you want to manipulate; choose the one you use to connect to the internet)

In one or both sections you should see an area labeled Metered connection. Simply toggle these to the ON position in order to block Feature Updates and Quality Updates. Priority Updates will still continue as normal.

Note: If you toggle these back to the OFF position, then the updates will continue at their normal pace.

Your turn

How do you feel about Microsoft’s trustworthiness of late regarding updates? Will you be deferring updates on this coming Patch Tuesday?


17 thoughts on “How To Defer Windows Fall Creators Update”

  1. I just make a new backup with Macrium Reflect Free and then just sit back and relax and see what happens. Works for me. 🙂

    1. Richard Pedersen

      Hi Craig,

      Each to his own, I guess, but I would rather avoid the problem from the get go,

  2. Hi Richard,
    Just went through update purgatory this past week. My wife’s PC updated with no issues, however my laptop was a different story. Both run Windows 10 Pro. The update kept hanging up on my laptop at 22%, then finally showed a couple of error codes. Spent many hours troubleshooting Windows Update to solve problem only to end up with a black screen. Went back to where I started using a backup from 2 days earlier. Then Windows updated with no problem. Go figure. Going to take your advice before the next one.

      1. Learned that lesson a few years back. Spouse wonders why there are so many external drives hidden around the house. 🙂

  3. Tom Reininger

    Hi Richard,
    You couldn’t print how I feel about MS and their updates. As big a company they are one would think that they would send us updates that worked, instead of messing things up!! Per my writing to Dave, I’m tired of all there “updates”(??) to Hotmail/Outlook. It was just fine last year, but no, they have to make it worse with their updates!!!
    I’m starting to backup my wife’s computer and make the adjustments you recommended to both of our computers. Then I’ll back up my computer when my wife’s is done.
    Thanks for the ideas, Tom

  4. I’m just glad that I’m so ignorant about such things!
    I have updated religiously since 10 came out and never have had any troubles at all.
    Every update has been accepted. I’ve never “refused ” an update either.
    Never had an update download, fail or freeze on me.

    I am also using the Oculus Rift CV1 which is very susceptible to updates and fixes to the OS but even this beta software/hardware combo has flown through and actually improved with 10 updates.

    So..What am I doing wrong?
    Why can’t I have grizzles and failures like the rest of you guys/girls?
    “Nothing to report” seems so much of a yawning exercise but I thought you might like to know 🙂
    Could it be because of my ignorance and actually allowing updates to proceed?
    Or just good old fashioned luck??

    1. Richard Pedersen

      Hi Colin,

      Ignorance has nothing to do with it, I don’t think.

      You seem to be one lucky person, is all,

  5. Another point to be aware of, evidence is emerging that MICROSOFT DOES NOT, AS THEY CLAIM, RESPECT USER PRIVACY. in the first instance the Dutch Authorities have accused MS of breaking the law by virtue of the fact that they are less than clear about what data is collected and for what purpose,( reported recently in ARS technica) the second point is that even if users adjust settings to maximize privacy, windows will automatically default to the windows so called EXPRESS settings, IE every keystroke you make, every file you have on your system, is effectively visible to MICROSOFT. if you are truly privacy conscious ditch the WINDOWS eco system while you can, BEFORE MICROSOFT Requires A HARD WIRED CONNECTION TO WINDOWS( think about it! why do you think MS backed uefi? that is effectively what APPLE use but they use the abbreviated term EFI for essentially the same technology).

    1. Richard Pedersen

      Hi Shaun,

      I agree that we don’t have much in the way of choice when it comes to protecting ourselves from the giant technical resources aiming their guns at us. They and the government want information and they now have the tools to get it.

      However, recommending that people ditch Windows is unrealistic on many levels. Much easier said than done, particularly in a corporate environment. I don’t believe there is a clear-cut answer to this escalating problem. The big guys aren’t going to listen to us poor sods, anyway, at least not on any meaningful level.

      Thank you for your comments,
      PS I always double-check privacy settings after every cumulative update. Call me paranoid, I guess.

      1. OK, you got me worried. I am going to have to search yr. site for privacy tweaks for Win 10 Pro…dang it.

        I just went and am still paranoid over a Microsoft Tech support person who I authorized to use logmein to help w/ Office installation problem a week plus ago. Especially when he wrote over chat that he would not look at my personal files…downloaded sysinternals and looked at logs. Still…

        1. Richard Pedersen

          Hi Gary,

          Didn’t mean to get you worried, but better safe than sorry.

          In nearly 40 years of dealing with MS, I have never once been asked to share my computer with them. Not via Let Me In, TeamViewer, or any other means. It simply isn’t necessary and I am suspicious of your friend who promises not to look at anything. Why would he even mention that?

          The reason I posted this article is because many people, myself included, don’t like being unpaid bug testers for MS. It’s that simple.

          Worrying you was not the intended result. Sorry,

        2. Hi Richard

          I would never allow a friend or a “support” offer from an unknown source. I also commented on Jim Hillier’s reply: itwas through the Microsoft built in support system. What got me paranoid was his comment that he would not snoop 🙂

          The main reason was that I a master procrastinator and keep my 150+ passwords in a file on my PC. I really need to find an easy to use password manager. I downloaded keepass a while back but gave up and when lastpass got hacked I stayed away. But now I have to bite the bullet and use a password manager.

        3. Hi Jim

          Yes, I went through their built in support system, thanks for the reassurance.

          I read an article about teamviewer “abuse” a while back and after my PC felt as if it slowed a bit I got worried…anyways thanks. I really need to read up on all these remote login systems, never had a need for it and so never used it before.

        4. Richard Pedersen

          Hi Jim,

          Thanks for clearing this up, Jim. Clearly. our experiences with Microsoft are very different.

          It may have something to do with me using OEM licenses for the past few decades and not having MS Tech support to begin with. Ya think? 🙂

          My contact with MS has been very limited, and always over the phone.

          And to Gary, I didn’t mean to mislead you. I engaged the mouth before the brain was in gear,

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