DCT Giveaway: Cloud System Booster Pro

[message type=”info”]Winners have now been drawn – and the winning names are:

  1. Donna
  2. Mike Markwick
  3. T4G0R
  4. Hugh Williams
  5. Barbara Lair
  6. Bhavik Keswani
  7. Greg
  8. Terminator2012
  9. Kevin Gildersleeve
  10. Rafi Mahmud


Congratulations to all winners, emails have been sent including your license codes. Thanks to everyone who entered.[/message]


Anvisoft has most kindly donated 10 (one year) licenses for the excellent System Cloud Booster Pro software for us to give away to our subscribers… thank you Anvisoft!

The licenses would normally sell for $20.00us but you now have the chance to win one absolutely free simply by submitting a reply to this article with a comment… *we’d prefer if you commented on the Cloud System Booster software.

  • *If your comment doesn’t appear immediately, it’s because first time comments need to be moderated… it will appear shortly.
  • *Competition closes 2nd September 2012

Cloud System Booster Pro is an all-in-one cleaning>optimization>repair tool, available in both free and Pro editions, which utilizes cloud based technology to achieve optimum results:

We get the latest profiles on all the new software, and use an online cloud database. Our cloud technology is user-sourced, which means that it evaluates programs based on thousands of ratings, some by tech professionals and others by users who’ve used the applications and want to tell others about them.

Download is 9.8MB, installation is 100% clean and devoid of any extraneous toolbars or bundling. Cloud System Booster impressed me right from the outset when it immediately, at initial launch, created a system restore point by default, it’s refreshing to witness that type of consideration for consumers from a software company:

Cloud System Pro’s main interface is highly intuitive, so much so that it is pretty much self explanatory. The four categories are well defined with instant access to settings available via a separate button associated with each:

Simply click on the “Boost” button to run operations. Defaults will suffice for most but more advanced users can go into settings and customize according to requirements. Plus, of course, entire components can be selected and deselected to suit.

An ‘Auto Boost’ feature can be scheduled to run at regular intervals and database updates applied automatically, fully automating the whole process. What a great idea for my clients who know that they should clean/optimize frequently but always seem to forget. 🙂

Now for the pièce de résistance, available only in the Pro version… the aptly named Mini Cute Mode. Mini Cute Mode places a small applet on the desktop for instant access to functions:


The applet can be moved anywhere around the desktop via simple drag and drop or, if you’d prefer not to see it at all, minimized to the system tray.

Cloud System Booster also includes an all important Restore Center from which previous changes can be easily and quickly reversed – emphasizing yet again Anvisoft’s respect for user safety:

On the Home Page, Anvisoft says this:

Cloud System Booster is a strong all-in-one PC repair and system maintenance program with Four powerful functions:  It’s designed for both PC novices and professional users, with one-click a day for simple computer boost and typical expert mode for professional PC fix.

That simple statement sums up Cloud System Booster perfectly. With simple easy to use yet powerful operations, plenty of options/settings to satisfy expert users, full automation, plus a clear regard for its users… Cloud System Booster is indeed an excellent universal solution.

  • Cloud System Booster HOME PAGE (scroll down for a feature comparison chart, between Free and Pro)
  • Cloud System Booster Pro HOME PAGE


  • Post one reply to this article. We would prefer if you commented on Cloud System Booster or told us a little about yourself.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 2nd September. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On September 3rd, 10 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of 1 FREE license each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.
  • Winners must claim their license within 14 days of receiving official notification. Unclaimed licenses after that time may be re-drawn.


Best of luck to all entrants, remember … you got to be in it to win it! And a very big THANK YOU again to Anvisoft.

14 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Cloud System Booster Pro”

  1. Cloud base system optimizer sounds interesting but first they need to gather many users to improve their database.

    1. Thank you, thanks you for helping me get the cloud base system – sounds so awesome! Please enter me for a free copy

  2. Mike Markwick

    I have been reading a bit lately about Cloud Booster and I think it might give another popular software a run for its money it is getting four or five stars from some software sites I would love to have a copy to please put me in the draw.

  3. This will also make a nice addition to my current AV and I certainly wouldn’t turn down a free license.
    I’ve been using the free version for a few month and it’s sometimes nice to be able to get a second opinion.

  4. Hugh Williams

    This would be nice to have to keep my PC going smoothly.
    I would love to be in the draw for the Cloud Booster Pro

    Thanks Hugh

  5. Bhavik Keswani

    I have many problems in my computer by TRIAL expiration of System mechanic and want this software to RECOVER the same potential and regain its performance,etc
    it soundz very good that it is CLOUD supported
    will be really THANKFUL if you COUNT ME IN this FANTASTIC giveaway

  6. The cloud booster software is a really great idea. It is a software that is probably going to start a trend.

  7. rolan francisco

    Surely would love to win 1 license. And compare it with a resident utility in my computer like system mechanic. Love to try a cloud based utility. Thanks for the chance to win 1.

  8. I would love to win a copy of boost. I used the program on a free trial and really liked it. It was easy to understand and did a great job.I am disabled and I spend alot of time on my computer and if anything went wrong with it replaceing it would not be easy. Therefor I try to keep it running in top form.

  9. I think Cloud System Booster is a good product, in that it uses the power of the cloud to isolate it self. It will come in handy when I continue performing my small side PC repair business. I can spread the word to others of it’s usefulness.

  10. Kevin Gildersleeve

    Been using Advanced System care, but this looks like a slick competitor. love to give it a shot!

  11. If we humans need treatment & care then why not our computers? I need Cloud System Booster to take care of my PC & keep it smooth & fast.

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