DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Burning Studio 11



Congratulations to the winners and a BIG Thank You to Ashampoo for allowing us to give this fine software to our readers!

Ken Wolf
Rajesh Ghadye
daniel adams
rolan francisco

Yes folks, this the very latest version of the outstanding Ashampoo Burning Studio software, just released on 23rd November – and we have 15 licenses to give away to our readers…Thank you Ashampoo!!

This terrific software would normally sell for $49.99usd but DCT readers can now win a free license simply by submitting a reply to this article with a comment. Replies can be anything, but we would prefer if you commented on the Ashampoo Burning Studio software: competition ends 00:01 (EST) 11th December.

*If your comment doesn’t appear immediately it is because first comments must be moderated. It will appear shortly!

Everyone should be well aware by now that Ashampoo Burning Studio is a very highly regarded suit of tools which covers the full gamut of burning requirements, quickly, easily and professionally. Suffice to say it is the very best – and the very best just got even better!

The new Compact Mode with its up-to-date design is always available on the desktop and includes the most important functions to quickly burn data discs. Burning data has become incredibly fast and easy with the Compact Mode.

The new comfortable file dialog provides access to any available content. This way you can, for example, always and anywhere add online content from Facebook, Dropbox, Flickr or Picasa. Then you can give free rein to creativity!

Now you can use your photos and videos that have just been made even more quickly and easily. Just connect your digital camera or smartphone with your PC and select the desired files in the file dialog. That’s it!

Experience new speed records with Ashampoo Burning Studio 11! Due to faster encoding of several videos, you can now create video discs with your multi-core PC in a considerably shorter time.

Improved and extended cover editor which now provides even more extensive and advanced editing functions.

Disc-Image browser to browse the content of disc images and extract files.

Brilliant new themes and designs for DVDs, slideshows, movies, etc.

  • For more details of new and improved features Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 has to offer, visit THIS PAGE
  • Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 HOME PAGE
  • DCT’s own preview of the new Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 HERE


  • Post one reply to this article. Replies can be anything, but we would prefer if you commented on Ashampoo Burning Studio or told us a little about yourself.
  • Comments must be posted before 00:01(EST) on 11th December. Any replies after the cut off will be deleted and will not count.
  • Post only one comment! Users who abuse this rule may have all replies deleted and be banned from the contest.
  • On Dec 12th, 15 replies will be chosen by random number generator as winners of one FREE license for Ashampoo Burning Studio 11 each.
  • Winners will be notified by email at the email address they used to comment – be sure to use a valid email that you check regularly.

 What a truly great Xmas present – a free license for Ashampoo Burning Studio 11. Many thanks again to Ashampoo for your generosity!

140 thoughts on “DCT Giveaway: Ashampoo Burning Studio 11”

  1. Thanks for the ABS 11 giveaway.
    I hope to win 1 license for my Win7 machine. ABS burning software is so terrific & becomes more & more popular with the others recently.
    Please count me in for the contest.

    Thanks & Regards

  2. SamuelClemensHill

    Heck yes, I’m in. This is a great bit of software. I’m using the free version and would love a free upgrade.
    Thanks for a contest that’s actually worth winning!

  3. I recently used an older version of Burning Studio and was finally able to do what I had given up on with other software. I’m sure the new version is even better!! Thanks Ashampoo!

  4. I would feel it great to have this software for free.. If I get it.. it truely is my christmas time..
    Thanks Jim and the Ashampoo team.

  5. I have other ashampoo products ,all great,I would love to have this one

  6. There are many programs to record data, but few meet my expectations. This program, which is one of naklepszych is Ashampoo Burning Studio. This program is designed to record multiple types of CD / DVD / Blu-ray .. The program offers features such as backing up data to one or more CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray discs, erase rewritable media (CD-RW, DVD-RW), rip music from CDs into MP3 or WMA formats, video recording to formats video CD (VCD), Super video CD (SVCD) with optional auto-convert the video into the necessary formats or creating a slide show on DVD with photos, video clips, titles, transitions and background music. Ashampoo Burning Studio Elements 10 can also create and burn ISO images, CUE / BIN and work on the basis of its own data format – ASHDISC. In addition, the authors have packed a program module responsible for creating and printing labels (on paper or directly onto the disc using LightScribe technology), and the option to create and restore backup data on your hard drive with the possibility of encryption and compression. An additional advantage of ABS is easy to use and that it is in my language. Greetings from Polish

  7. Thanks for giveaway.I am a fan of Ashampoo for its features set and bloat free nature and i consider it as the best in its niche.Hope will win one license.Please count me in.

  8. Just tried it. Soooo much better than 2010! Could very well stop me from using the Fiddler on my XP machine.

  9. I am currently using the free version of Burning Studio 10 and would love to receive 11.

  10. rolan francisco

    I am currently Using Ashampoo Burning Studio 10 and I love it. Much better than Nero because of it”s ease of use and not a bloated software unlike Nero.

  11. I like about Ashampoo Burning Studio is light. Not bloated. Just a powerful burning software that is reliable and fast.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. G’day Jim,

    Today is St Nicholas Day, therefore I may have more luck than last time 🙂 I’ll keep this one short and sweet – the Ashampoo Burning Studio line works flawlessly and it probably has the most intuitive UI in the market. It even converts flac files for buring to CD out of the box (unlike alternatives that require a seperate plug-in, which don’t always work anyway – Eh Hem…Nero anyone ??).

    I’m getting a Blu-Ray Burner for Chrissy as well – finally taking the plunge, therefore it would be awesome to use this package for some Blu-Ray authoring.

    Many thanks to DCT and Ashampoo for the Giveaway. Keep up the good work.

    Good Luck all.

    1. Just correcting my email addy in this reply. Forgot the “.au” in my original post. Would be unfortunate to win and never receive the email notification 🙂

      Many thanks

  13. Great burning software. Am using V11 on my desktop. Be great to put on my laptop as well

  14. Thanks davescomputertips for the STUNNER Giveaway.
    Ashampoo Known for its product designing, and the best ever design for any ashampoo product is now with Ashampoo burning studio11. It had ton of application not even the CD DVD Burning bot also backup functions, ripper and also had cover designer.
    Support most used music formats such as MP3, flac, ogg etc.It quite fast in rewritable media erasing.
    Facebook sharing, inbuilt picture viewer.burning, ripping, authoring, cover/label designer editor, backup function. what else anyone want.

    Count me in

  15. Thanks for the opportunity. I have been using their free Burning Studio 6 for some time now. Would love to have the full version.

  16. Currently using 2010 but would love to update.

    Please count me in & Thankyou for the opportunity.

    The Seasons best to one and all !. CanGoose

  17. I currently use Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 for all my CD/DVD burning needs. Never have a problem with it at all. Would love to have ABS2011. Please count me in.

  18. Timothy Bramblet

    I have been using BS 9 and would love to have 11. Thanks for the opportunity!

  19. I am currently using ABS 10 with great success, no problems and would greatly appreciate having Ashampoo Burning Studio 11. ABS is one of the best software compilations to create / edit CD / DVD / BD.

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