
Computer Rage – Rise of the Machines? (video)

Computer Frustration Incarnate

We have all experienced the maniacal state of “computer rage”. It can be compared to “road rage”, but there is no true equal. No one on the road actually destroys their vehicles. Oh sure, they may stomp on their steering wheels and mash on their pedals, but nothing compares to smashing a keyboard to bits– does it… how about flinging an abusive monitor across the room? Nothing can equal that amount of destruction. The sheer pleasure is indescribable!!! Bwa-ha-ha-ha…

It begins when you don’t like your computer. It ends when your computer doesn’t like you.

All you can imagine is strangling the malignant tissue by its various connections to the world– the very thing it loves. That’s what rage is all about, isn’t it? Depriving your enemy of its loved ones and all things that matter? Even Life itself!!!. Bwa-ha-ha-ha…

Here’s a bit that might make you think twice about what may be your Reaction to the Action (reverse Newton?):

Don’t beat the dog unless you expect to be bitten. Oh! And the nose-snorting guy in the next cubicle? He is an annoying waste of human flesh. (Don’t get me started)



5 thoughts on “Computer Rage – Rise of the Machines? (video)”

  1. Richard, are you tuning into Halt and Catch Fire. IMDB says “Set in the early 1980s, series dramatizes the personal computing boom through the eyes of a visionary, an engineer and a prodigy whose innovations directly confront the corporate behemoths”, Mindblower!

    1. @ everybody,

      Megaman – glad you found it fun 🙂 Me too! I can also feel the pain…

      Mindblower – Never heard of it 🙂 Just checked out “Halt and Catch Fire”– if it’s on Netflix, I’ll give it a look-see…

      This is what I have so far– a replication from a Bing search…

      “Set in the early 1980s, series dramatizes the personal computing boom through the eyes of a visionary, an engineer and a prodigy whose innovations directly confront the corporate behemoths of the time. Their personal and professional partnership will be challenged by greed and ego while charting the changing culture in Texas’ Silicon Prairie.”

      When it comes to Windows, I think I know what I’m talking about. When it gets down to just about anything else in this life, I’m a total dullard. That includes social skills– I’m sorely lacking in that area and can only hope you’ll forgive me… :-/

      I do much better when behind a keyboard– it gives me a chance to think before I speak– engaging brain before putting mouth in gear,

      1. Think PC clone over IBM’s 8080 Richard, the dawn of personal computers (floppies and the dreaded DOS prompt), Mindblower!

  2. Have always enjoyed this video. BTW though, it has been around the Web forever; It dates from the 1990s.

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