7 Cool Internet Explorer Tips


I teach Weekly Computer Classes at the Local Libraries and love to share with others things I have learned along the way.  I make sure that people know there is more than one way to do most things on a computer.

Personally, I am a Google Chrome Fan, but wanted to share these Internet Explorer tips with you.  My husband is an Internet Explorer Fan so we live in a House divided.

Everyone has a copy of Internet Explorer on their computers. It is the Grandfather of Internet Browsers, making its debut in 1995.

Keep in mind, as I said, there is more than one way to do most things on a computer.  I suggest you try some of these on for size though.  Let me know what you think.

I wanna go Back! So you want to go back to the page you were just looking at in Internet Explorer?

  • Just press the backspace key. keyboard-smaller

Page Down/Page Up

  • To scroll down a really long web page in Internet Explorer, just press the spacebar.
  • To scroll up, press the shift key and the spacebar.

Minimize & Maximize

  • To toggle between Internet Explorer’s minimized and maximized (full-screen) views, just double-click on IE’s title bar.

Supersize me Please

  • Pressing the F11 key in Internet Explorer puts you into something called “kiosk mode” that’s like the maximized view on steroids.
  • It hides (most of, but not all)the toolbars and expands the web page so that it fills the entire screen.
  • –You can hide the top toolbar by right-clicking on it and choosing Auto-hide.–To exit kiosk mode, just press F11 again.

Uh-oh here comes the Spouse!

  • Let’s pretend you’re visiting a web site you ought not to be visiting and someone walks in on you. What should you do?crazy-old-lady
  • Alt + F4 (or Ctrl + W) closes the topmost open window on your screen.

–This is a great way to kill pop-ups too!

–Be careful!  If you hit Alt + F4 too many times, you’ll close everything—including Windows!

In my family, my 3 kids used to do this all the time.  I have learned a lot of my tips and tricks from them.

One of my favorites is the Mother-in-Law Key

  • If you have a BUNCH of open windows and want to minimize all of them at once, press and hold the Windows key and the letter M.

–The Windows key is that key with the flag on it to the left of your spacebar.

–Like Alt + F4, Win + M is actually a Windows shortcut so it works everywhere in Windows regardless of what programs you have open.

  • Once your mother-in-law leaves, you can maximize all those windows again by pressing Windows + Shift + M.

Disclaimer:  I really do like my Mother-in Law

Auto-prefix and -suffix

To open a company’s homepage in Internet Explore, you don’t actually need to key in that company’s complete web address.

  • Instead, just type the company’s name (like google or microsoft or GM) in IE’s address bar and then press the Ctrl and Enter keys.

Stay tuned for more tips on Internet Explorer coming soon!

1 thought on “7 Cool Internet Explorer Tips”

  1. Interesting information, but it’s not just for IE. Seems to work with Firefox and PaleMoon as well. One additional shortcut that’s also helpful is the Ctrl + and Ctrl – keys, to enlarge or decrease the Windows screen size, Mindblower!

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