
YouTube Music vs Spotify

YouTube Premium With Music

As mentioned in a previous article, I subscribed to Spotify a couple of years ago because in Argentina it’s very cheap – around $3 a month after taxes, compared to around $15 in other countries. However, one must always view such prices in context, because $3 here in Argentina equates to about three litres of petrol (gas). Anyway, I found that I wasn’t using Spotify very much at all, but I still wanted access to unlimited music without the annoying ads. I then discovered that for around the same price as Spotify I could subscribe to YouTube Premium and get two services in one because the deal includes YouTube Music. I’m not really a music addict, unlike my wife’s son who, like many youngsters, seems unable to live without it. But let’s face it, it’s good to have when you want it. But more importantly, YouTube Premium gives you an ad-free experience across the board. With Google’s ad machine seemingly working overtime and inserting ads willy-nilly in all YouTube videos, it’s become a nauseating experience for millions of viewers but can be avoided.


In a browser, I’ve been using uBlock Origin to block those irritating ads, but the YouTube mobile app doesn’t allow ad-blocking, so in the end, I cancelled my Spotify subscription and signed up with YouTube Premium.

Two Apps For The Price Of One


It wasn’t a difficult decision to sign up because the package is two in one; ad-free videos and millions of music tracks, both of which can be downloaded for offline use. Spotify is an incredible app/program and I remember being amazed at the speed at which it can find a track you want, literally in milliseconds. However, what you don’t get with Spotify are music tracks that were never released as official album tracks or singles, such as live concert recordings for example. I’m not affiliated with Google or YouTube in any way (how could I be?) but here are the benefits of subscribing to YouTube Premium:

  • 100m songs, videos, and live performances
  • All are ad-free
  • Download offline
  • Switch from audio to video

Clearly, the benefits of signing up with YouTube Premium need to be weighed up according to your location. For example, in the UK it costs £12 or £18 for a family plan (up to five family members) and $14 or $23 in the US. It’s not cheap and my biggest criticism about this premium service is that it’s still too expensive in first-world countries, even though YouTube Premium now has 100 million subscribers. Spotify costs around $12 or $17 for a family deal, but I still maintain that YouTube Premium is a better deal because of what you get, as mentioned above.


As I’ve already mentioned, I’m not a music addict and don’t walk around with earbuds stuffed in my ears all day. Heck, I only listen to local radio through my helmet when motorcycling, on occasions. But my ratio of videos vs music is probably around 75% to 25%, so to have an ad-free experience across the board, with the added advantage of any music track that probably ever existed, and is not even available on Spotify and at an affordable third-world price, was too good to turn down.

1 thought on “YouTube Music vs Spotify”

  1. Mike M Markwick

    I use Abelssoft song downloader 17euro has live videos and you can download and save all songs for use later payment good for a year with the right of renewal.

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