WordWeb dictionary/thesaurus

The terrific free WordWeb dictionary/thesaurus is always one of the very first apps I install on any new system. WordWeb may not be quite as comprehensive as some of the alternative online services but it will generally provide sufficient information and more than compensates with its versatility plus almost immediate accessibility and responses.

WordWeb provides users with word and common phrase definitions plus a pretty useful list of synonyms and antonyms. The latest versions also incorporate 5000 audio pronunciations. It integrates with literally anything which contains text, both offline and online: Simply press the ‘Ctrl’ key and then right click on the word (or phrase).

Here is a typical result from a Microsoft Word document:

Here is a typical example from a web page:

So useful to check meanings and correct word usage; especially useful for writers to quickly look up synonyms so they are not repeating the same word over and over. Highly recommended!!

4 thoughts on “WordWeb dictionary/thesaurus”

  1. Hi Jim,
    I must concur, I have been using Wordweb for some years and really appreciate its usefulness. Sadly, those most in need do not have it.

  2. Hi Ron,

    “Sadly, those most in need do not have it.”

    Not sure what you mean by that Ron, would you to care to expand?


  3. Greetings Jim,

    I think Ron is referring to the average posters who can be found mutilating the English language on any given message board…

    Hey, I have a question for you – do you know of any web site that has a comprehensive list of freeware programs that are known to be bundled with OpenCandy?


  4. Hey Steve – Yep, I do believe you are right, good one!! Now you’ve pointed it out, it seems rather obvious…I must have been having one of my ‘dense days’. 🙂

    No, I don’t know of any such list and seriously doubt it would even be feasible to produce one. BUT FreewareBB (DCT’s recommended freeware download site) includes a notation/warning in the listing for any freeware which is known to come bundled with Open Candy: http://www.freewarebb.com/index.php?app=ccs

    FreewareBB also maintains a section on their forum where admin and community members report “unorthodox” add-ons: http://www.freewarebb.com/forum/282-bad-freeware-and-unorthodox-add-ons/

    Cheers mate…Jim

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