‘WinPatrol Plus’ LIFETIME licenses for 99 cents – 2 days only!

You will need to be quick in order to take advantage of this great offer from BillP Studios – the special pricing is in effect only from Noon EST on Monday, April 16th 2012 until Noon EST on Wednesday April 18th, 2012.
This is the full unlimited WinPatrol Plus for just 99 cents – what a bargain!, The licenses are good for life and cover all future versions of WinPatrol Plus. *NOTE: 1 license per computer.

WinPatrol is truly iconic software, there are not too many products which deserve endorsements such as ‘legendary’ and ‘venerable’, but for WinPatrol those accolades are entirely appropriate.

WinPatrol is the trailblazer in employing heuristics (behavioral) based protection, the innovator in its field and yet still remains remarkably light on resources. Which makes WinPatrol the perfect partner to augment traditional definition based anti-virus software and provide that extra layer of protection.

Q. I heard a new WinPatrol version is coming soon. Will I have to pay again for this version?
A. No way. The PLUS activation you purchase for 99¢ will work with all future versions.

Q. Do I need to download anything in advance?
A. If you already have the free version of WinPatrol no additional download is required. If you don’t have WinPatrol you can download and become familiar with WinPatrol at http://www.winpatrol.com/download.html. Using your PLUS code will activate the premium features hidden in the free version.

  • To view the official announcement and for more details go HERE.
  • To purchase a lifetime license for WinPatrol Plus at just 99 cents go HERE.

8 thoughts on “‘WinPatrol Plus’ LIFETIME licenses for 99 cents – 2 days only!”

  1. It seems that the 2-day download for WinPatrol went by the wayside. I sure would have liked it I couldhave it, however, there was nothing written about it til today’s ezine. I’m sure there were quite a few geeks that would lke to have gotten it, also. Is there any way we can have some lead time on getting these programs??

  2. Ridiculous.
    Today is 4/21/12 – and this newsletter JUST arrived !!!

    So, of what use was this:
    > the special pricing is in effect only from Noon EST on Monday, April 16th 2012 until Noon EST on Wednesday April 18th, 2012.

    A tease only, perhaps ?

  3. Yes, Pete K., the same thing happened to me.

    I just open my newsletter this AM and immediately tried to upgrade, but the deadline was 2 days ago.

    Jim, is there any chance Bill Pytlovany will extend the offer again?


  4. Pete, Mark, and others…

    Think of the newsletter as a weekly brief of DCT activity.

    We publish new content on DCT almost daily. Unfortunately we have to strike a happy medium with email – too often and some are offended. We have found the happy medium to be once per week and include the latest 10(or so) posts which, again unfortunately, does not allow us to always include all the posts from the week and some posts of a time sensitive nature may arrive after their expiration. For this purpose we offer an RSS feed for the site and forums, which will ALWAYS contain the very latest information from DCT as will the DCT site.

    We are sorry you missed out on this opportunity, but your best bet to not miss out on these giveaways of short duration in the future is to visit DCT regularly or subscribe to the RSS feeds.

  5. Time Traveler

    Darn I tried to do a restore to the 14th, but only my computer went back. Time stayed to today.

    Sorry, couldn’t help myself. The devil made me do it!

  6. I think this is the second time it’s happened…learning about something AFTER the offer is over. Only good till the 18th, and the newsletter doesn’t come until the 21st. That bites. I would have loved to be in on that one too.

  7. Just to follow up on Dave’s response and expand a little:

    I feel it must be pointed out that DCT is in fact a Blog, and one of the huge advantages of the Blog format is that it affords us the means to post current events, news, special offers, etc in real time – as they occur or as soon after as humanly possible. Immediately after discovering the 99 cents WinPatrol offer I posted the details here on DCT for the benefit of our readers – that’s about all I can do my friends, the rest is up to you. If you do not wish to miss out on offers such as this, the onus is on you to visit the site daily and/or add DCT to your RSS feed. The weekly “Newsletter” represents a digest of the past week’s content and, even though the material remains largely relevant, it should not be relied on for completely up-to-date information.

    In the past we tried sending out additional notification emails for special offers but that resulted in us receiving a number of complaints from readers that we are spamming, so we discontinued the practice. It is a situation where we are damned if we do and damned if we don’t.

    Cheers… Jim

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