
Windows XP 2024 Edition

2024 may well be the year we see the release of a rumored Windows 12 but it also represents a milestone in Windows history – 2024 marks a decade since the much-loved Windows XP reached end-of-support.

Now, visionary concept creator AR 4789, who previously imagined a Windows alternative called MiracleOS, has channeled his (her) creative skills into envisioning what a modern version of XP might look like. In the following video, AR 4789 takes us through an imagined Windows XP 2024 edition that, while retaining much of the original UI elements, also incorporates several modern Windows 11 features:

I hasten to add that this is not a physical operating system that can be downloaded and installed, it is purely conceptual, based entirely on AR 4789’s vivid imagination.


I’m not usually one for looking backward; technology certainly does not support retrospective moves. However, I am always for a little nostalgia and certainly appreciate AR 4789’s vision and obvious abilities.

As always, your comments are most welcome.

3 thoughts on “Windows XP 2024 Edition”

  1. Ah yes, XP Pro.
    A great version.
    But the bit that really tugged at my heart strings was the 3DPinball.
    I certainly miss that game.
    Now I just use this nasty little phone so I couldn’t see much of what was being shown.
    But the music and sound were enough.

  2. I was one of the last to give up on XP, so I’m reluctant to rain a bit on the parade with what some might call a “minor detail”. But AR4789’s intro page for his/her/their 2024 Edition of XP has–horrors!– an error in its English. “The Reborn of the Legend” should be “The Rebirth of the Legend” or even (wince) “Reborn of the Legend”. Check it out with your local English teacher.

    Good luck with the Rebirth, AR4789!

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