
RIP Google Chrome App Launcher

What is the Google App Launcher?

Shame on you <wicked laugh> for not knowing about it.  I use it and am a big fan of it.

Many of the writers on the DCT Team have their  specific Browser Preferences.  I am a Google Chrome fan. I use many of Google’s apps and features. One of them I actively use is set to go to the Google graveyard very soon.  I heard about this and was bummed.  As with technology though, if you are going to utilize the tools available, you have to be able to accept it when things like this happen.  So many great ideas, and just when you really get to like something, “Whoosh!”, it goes away.


The Google Chrome App Launcher makes it easy to open up applications outside the browser.  The decommissioning will take place over the next few months as the folks at Google work on streamlining things. In just a few weeks, Chrome will no longer have the capability to enable the launcher when folks like me first install a Chrome app. Those of us who use the app will receive a notification telling us that the Launcher is going…going…gone.  In July 2016, existing instances of the launcher will be removed.

The Chrome App Launcher will be removed from Apple, Windows and Linux operating systems.


What I like about it is that it allows me to launch applications like Facebook, Mail Chimp, YouTube, etc., from right within the browser via this cool shortcut panel.  It seems, though, that there is a small fan base.  Google is always looking for ways to improve and stay competitive with other browsers.  We all learn to adapt.  My favorite saying from an old Motorcycle Instructor of mine was this, “Innovate, Adapt and Overcome.”  This applies to things besides the App Launcher.

If you are like me, and you like to open applications from within Chrome, have no fear,  Chrome Apps can still be accessed by clicking on the Apps Shortcut in the bookmarks bar or typing, chrome://apps, in the Address Bar (Omnibox).

AppJump Launcher and Organizer

appjump launcher2

So what will you use?  I plan on checking this out.  Does anyone use AppJump Launcher now or have any experience with it?

4 thoughts on “RIP Google Chrome App Launcher”

  1. Never have used the app but I do use the icon that is on my Google homepage that has all the links.

  2. I ride a m’cycle too – was “Innovate, Adapt & Overcome” referring to what to do when you get stuck?

  3. I feel like these behemoths introduce things, they don’t promote, & then pull them as if they didn’t work!

    Google is axing Picasa, MS is axing Windows Live…both for (so far) panned other programs. Why not just support the already-popular program?

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