Need to Locate your Microsoft Office Serial Number??

ms-office-logo-smallRemember when you first installed MS Office you were asked to provide a Product Key number?

That number should have been something that came with the CD that you purchased.  Sometimes it is on the outside of the CD case and sometimes you can find it on a piece of documentation that comes with your CD.

In any event, there often comes a time when you need that Product Key and it is usually a long time after you have installed the software and you have no earthly idea were you saved all of that information. BUT, and this is a pretty big but, you must have that Product Key in order to obtain technical support from Microsoft.

Luckily, there is a very easy way to gain that information without tearing your office apart.  Follow the steps below to learn how:

  • Version 2007:
  • In one of your office applications, such as Excel, click the Office button | Excel Options | Resources | About.
  • A dialog box will display and it will provide you with your Product ID code.
  • Version 2010:
  • On the File Tab of your Ribbon click Help to display the Product ID at the right side of your screen.

Now save this information in a safe place where you will remember how to find it again!

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