
Macrium Reflect 8 Home To Be Retired

Licensed versions of Macrium Reflect 8 are due to be retired and replaced by an all-new version dubbed “Reflect X.”

Paramount Software retired Macrium Reflect’s free version in January 2024 and now Macrium Reflect Home is also set to be retired.


Reflect X is now Paramount Software’s flagship imaging backup software and, according to a recent blog post, the following are the key new features:

  • 2X Faster Performance: Reflect X performs backups twice as fast as our previous version. This significant speed boost means less time waiting for backups to complete and quicker recovery when you need it most
  • Resumable Imaging: Reflect X introduces a game-changing feature that allows backups to resume seamlessly after interruptions, including power outages and system interruptions
  • Open-Source Accessibility: We’ve made our .mrimg and .mrbak file formats open-source, a move that brings numerous benefits including opening up possibilities for community-developed tools and add-ons
  • ARM Hardware Support: If you’re an early adopter of new technology, Reflect X is leading the way with groundbreaking support for ARM-based Windows CoPilot+ devices
  • Enhanced Backup Filtering: Reflect X introduces advanced filtering options allowing smarter, more efficient backups. You can easily exclude large files you don’t need to back up or set rules to ignore temporary files automatically

Options For Macrium Reflect 8 Users


Paramount Software has provided multiple upgrade options for current Macrium Reflect 8 users, depending on the license type (annual or one-time). There is too much to explain here, visit Reflect X to view all available options. That said, here are several pertinent points:

  • Home users have six months from the launch of Reflect X (approximately six months from now) to decide which option suits them best
  • System-critical updates and fixes will no longer be supported for Macrium Reflect 8 after October 2025 (one year after Macrium X’s release)
  • One-time (perpetual) licenses have been discontinued with Reflect X. Your only option now is a one-year license which is renewable annually

*NOTE: According to the Reflect X FAQ page, they are working on developing multi-year plans for home users soon.

Reflect X is currently (at the time of writing) selling for $49.99 US per one-year license covering one PC, or a one-year license covering 4 PCs at $99.98 US per year (50% discount).

I’m guessing many users will be disappointed with the decision to do away with one-time licenses which provided excellent value and subsequently played a large part in Macrium Reflect’s popularity. It seems the annual subscription model is fast becoming the norm with lifetime licensing becoming as scarce as rocking horse manure.

Are you a Macrium Reflect 8 licensed user? What are your thoughts on this situation? Let us know in the comments.

10 thoughts on “Macrium Reflect 8 Home To Be Retired”

  1. Macrium has alienated a big portion of their customer base including myself with their licensing changes and price increase which ultimately what their subscription model amounts to, a price increase.
    I am staying on 8 and keeping my lifetime license until it is no longer feasible.
    I have downloaded the free Hasleo backup suite and tested it. It makes and restores backups just as fast and efficient as Macrium 8 , so when the time comes that is what I will be switching to, I don’t need to and I don’t think anyone else needs to for that matter pay a price for backup software that borders on theft to make and restore backups a little bit faster.

  2. I agree with ED.
    >>I am staying on 8 and keeping my lifetime license until it is no longer feasible.>>

    In case we need to keep our current installer…where/ which folder can we search for the FULL Macrium Reflect Home installer in our PCs, please?

  3. Hi Jim
    Ed has summed up the situation and the forum feelings of many home user customers perfectly and said almost exactly what I was going to say.
    We have gone from Macrium removing the free version (which still works fine by the way) to a paid-for version to now the “subscription only” option. I too will use my current version 8 until it breaks then revert to the free Hasleo which, for most users who just need a simple image, is plenty good enough. The reasonably recently appointed CEO with a financial background may have a home-user customer mutiny on his hands.

    1. Hey Reg,

      I expect MF 8 to keep working until compatibility issues arise. That’s usually been the trend with software that is no longer supported- eventually the operating system outgrows the software.

      Cheers mate… Jim

  4. Following in the footsteps of other big companies. Microsloth, Adobe, SAS, Malwarebytes. I bought a half dozen Malwarebytes Lifetime while they were still available. Adobe infuriates me to no end. Had an issue with my laptop and went to reactivate Adobe X and they tell me they have “retired the servers” and refuse to provide a solution to allow me to use software I paid for. Just checked my Macrium. I’m on 6.5. I rarely use it. Mostly just when I want to clone a drive to a new one, about once a year. shrug

  5. I’m somewhat out of date, having last used Macrium several years ago. Searching my inbox and my documents, it seems like I tried it in November 2012, and paid in December after 30 days for “Macrium Reflect v5 – Standard License”.

    I don’t remember why, but I ceased to be able to use it at some point and have been careless about backups since. Just recently, I thought I’d try to reactivate it again, but now I’m reading this and seeing how the company and its offerings have changed.

    That leaves me to go investigate the free Hasleo backup suite mentioned here in the comments to this article then.

  6. I was just about to pay for an update to Reflect X until I couldn’t find an option that did not involve a subscription. I will now be using my current Reflect 8 and then I will switch to the free Hasleo backup suite. I will never support subscription only period. Greed will get you nothing but less customers! Goodbye Macrium (Ive been a customer for a very long time). Generosity is what gets you more financial gain!

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