iOS 7 – Having Trouble Seeing Your App Names?

I, along with millions of others, recently updated my iPhone’s operating system to iOS 7.   While I like the visual effects of iOS 7, I quickly discovered that I was having trouble reading the names of my apps.   I know that iOS 7 is supposed to be a gentler, kinder interface for the app names were a little too faint for me.

It was easy enough to fix.  I just activated Bold Text in the Accessibility options.  Just go to Settings > General > Accessibility.    Go to ‘Bold Text’ and move the slider from left to right.   Note that a restart of your device will be necessary to activate this.

bold text

These are the before (left) and after (right) screenshots.


4 thoughts on “iOS 7 – Having Trouble Seeing Your App Names?”

  1. Super– I just downloaded “7”this AM and wondered why the app text was so hard to read. Go Girl!!

  2. Thanks for the improvement suggestion. Now, how about restoring the old calendar? Jack

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