
How To Use Your Apple Watch Series 9

Well, it turns out now that I am older I have apparently turned into one of those folks I used to call Luddites. In case you didn’t know, these folks shy away from new technology. I know! I never saw it coming either! But being the intrepid person I am, when asked what I would like for my birthday, I stated that I would like an Apple Watch Series 9! Well, lo and behold it came to pass and on my birthday in August it appeared. I am now the proud owner of an Apple Watch, Series 9.

I have to tell you, I was really tickled to get it.  My daughter took over straight away and said, “Oh you are gonna love this mom because it makes things so much easier for you.”

I trust my daughter and so when she said ‘Give it to me and I will set it up for you’, I did. Well, I can tell you she moved so fast I have no idea what she did or why or how. I do know that she put the watch band on incorrectly so I need to fix that because it is uncomfortable. In any event, I was determined to see what the deal was and how this wondrous piece of merchandise could make my life easier. So I put it on and off I went about my daily business.

I was in my sewing room and my new watch alerted me that I had an incoming phone call. Well, that was pretty easy to do so I took the call and I thought to myself, my daughter is right! This is a lot easier than me running up the steps to get my iPhone! That happened a couple more times and I was thinking what was I afraid of – this is a piece of cake and so helpful!

So at some point, nature called and once I had answered that call, I was washing my hands and don’t you know my smart watch lit up and said “Good Job.” I immediately called my daughter and asked her “So does this thing see everything I do?” I wasn’t sure if the good job comment was about the call to nature or the hand washing! After laughing herself silly, my daughter informed me that there is an app that lets you know how long you should be washing your hands. So for the old Luddites like me out there, here are some more handy things to know about your Apple Watch.

Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. Just double-tap your index finger and thumb together to answer a call, open a notification, play and pause music, and more. I’m still learning!
  2.  Play and pause music while carrying packages.
  3.  Answer a call while relaxing in the pool.
  4.  Stop a timer while baking a cake.
  5.  Reply to a message while balancing your child on your hip.
  6.  Check your Smart Stack while holding your toddler. (for the uninformed your Smart Stack is a set of widgets that uses information such as the time, location, and activity to automatically display the most relevant widgets at the appropriate time in your day).

And apparently, this is just the beginning! Stay tuned because I have a feeling I have a whole lot more to learn!

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