
How To Send Private Self-Destructing Messages

Privnote is a free web-based service that allows you to send encrypted self-destructing messages to anyone from and to any device. The service is completely free and does not require any sort of account or registration to use.

Privnote New Note

Privnote includes options to encrypt your message for privacy, to receive an email notification once the message has been destroyed, as well as self-destruction options. Messages are set to self-destruct after reading by default but can also be set to self-destruct after a specific period of time.

Privnote Options

Privnote Self Destruct Options

How To Use Privnote

Visit, type in your message, and then hit the Create note button. You will then be presented with a link that you can either insert directly into an email message, copy and paste into any messaging app, or send via text message.

Privnote Link Ready

Visiting the link to read the note presents a warning that the note will be destroyed, including a reminder to copy the note if you want to keep it.

Privnote And Privacy

Privnote provides a comprehensive privacy policy that ensures your messages remain private at all times, including the following:

Since only the link binds the decryption key to the note’s content and since Privnote does not have the link, at no time is any note held in any readable format state at Privnote. This assures that nobody (including Privnote’s administrators) can read a note. When using Privnote’s default functionality, when a note is retrieved, its data is completely removed from Privnote; there is absolutely no way to recover it again.


Privnote is a free web-based (no apps required) secure and private messaging service that works from any device to any device with no registration or account requirements.

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