
How To Open HTML Files With # In The Title

This Only Applies To Opera

It’s been an issue since as long as I can remember. I save HTML files on my computer all the time. I wanted to save a copy of the Dave’s Computer Tips newsletter, so in my SeaMonkey email program I just right-click on an email and click on Save As… and pick HTML as the type.

This will save the email as an HTML file on my system named Dave’s Computer Tips Weekly Recap Issue #278.html. So I double-click on it to open it and I get the following error message from Opera:

Your file was not found
It may have been moved or deleted.


If I right-click and use the Open with option, it still will not work with Opera but will work with every other browser on my system. Go figure.

But I still have two options that do work. I discovered long ago that it was the number symbol, “#” that was the culprit.

Option 1

Rename the file and remove the number symbol.

Option 2.

Open Opera and drag the HTML file from File Explorer to the browser.

It’s only a minor issue but after all these years I’m surprised that it’s still an issue at all.

An interesting final note– if I rename the HTML file and put the pound sign in front of the name so it reads: #Dave’s Computer Tips Weekly Recap Issue 278.html, Opera still won’t open the HTML file, but it will give me an explorer-like window that allows me to see and navigate the files that are in the the same folder as the HTML one is in.


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