
How To Manage Desktop Notifications In Opera

Desktop Notifications

I recently got a message from Youtube asking if I wanted to enable Desktop Notifications. I honestly did not know what this meant so I allowed it to see what would happen. I soon found out, as a little pop-up message appeared in the bottom left-hand corner of my browser telling me that one of my subscriptions had uploaded a new video.


It’s not really intrusive or anything on my system and I decided to keep it enabled for now. But I still wanted to know how to disable it if later I changed my mind.

Opera Settings

With Opera, click on the Menu button in the top left-hand corner or press Alt + P. If you have the sidebar open on the left, just click on the Settings icon. It looks like a wheel or sprocket.


Down the left-hand side click on Websites and scroll down to the Notifications section.

You’ll see three options:

  1. Allow all sites to show desktop notifications
  2. Ask me when a site wants to show desktop notifications (recommended)
  3. Do not allow any site to show desktop notifications

Mine is currently set to Ask me when a site wants to show desktop notifications (recommended). I think it’s the default. You can manage the Notification exceptions by clicking on the Manage exceptions… button.

Manage Exceptions

This opens a simple editing tool for changing your notification requests. Hovering your mouse over any site listed will bring up an X to the right where you can delete your choice. Otherwise, click to either edit the site name or change the behavior.


Clicking on the option under the Behavior heading gives two choices: Allow or Block— your pick. There is also a box towards the bottom that allows you to add a site manually. When finished, click on the Done button.

6 thoughts on “How To Manage Desktop Notifications In Opera”

  1. maryna jedrzejak

    I am very disapoited with Opera browser.Iam going to remove as soon as possible.

    1. Every browser has it’s quirks, I had a problem with the VPN which is now cleared up but now because of a glitch I cannot delete bookmarks directly from the bookmark bar.without Opera crashing.

  2. the-little-romanian

    Thank you! It was very helpfull, after Opera updates we just need this shortcut: opera://settings/content/notifications

    1. Terry Hollett

      Yes. When you get to any setting in Opera, if you pay attention to the URL or web address you can get to those settings by just typing it in the address bar. Most browsers have a similar setup.

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