
How To Fix The “Connection Was Reset” Error

Over the last few days when I was browsing online, I would go to a page and get The Connection Was Reset error. I checked online and what suggestions I found, I tried with no success. I even got in touch with the cable company. We recently had a bad blizzard that knocked out our power, but before it went off and stayed off, our power was blinking on and off all day. I didn’t know if that damaged my router or not.

Anyway, after a bit of trial and error, I seem to have found something that works. Just disable the Firewall and enable it again.

Start typing firewall in your Windows search bar.


When it shows on the list click on Firewall & network protection. When it opens, you will see Domain network, Private network, and Public network.



Click on each one and you’ll see an on and off switch. Click on it to turn it off. I did that for each one.


Now go to your browser and see if it makes any difference. It did in mine. There were a few pages I couldn’t get to at all. Now everything is working.

So I then enabled the firewall options again by turning them all back on. Still working. The Windows Firewall is an extra layer of security but if you’re connecting through a router you can do without a software firewall. I was going to keep mine off if it kept interfering. Is it fixed for the long run? Only time will tell.

4 thoughts on “How To Fix The “Connection Was Reset” Error”

  1. Hi Terry. Another tip/trick to remember is to shut down you modem and router. Wait about two minutes and turn on modem first, wait a few seconds more then turn on the router (sometimes the router does not require resetting). Additionally, the computer might also require a reboot.

    Found out that even having a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) does not always protect against Mother Nature, Mindblower!

    1. I both rebooted my router and then reset it. Neither worked. I also tried clearing caches, using other browsers, change DNS servers, reset Winsock, resetting the firewall to default and disabling antivirus. It’s also possible if you are still having problems it might be your internet connection. I did get in touch with my ISP. They were going to send someone out but I cancelled the appointment when I figured it out.

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