
How To Edit A Template In Word

To edit a file and make it your own so that you can use it again later, you must first save it as a template.

Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. Go to the File menu and select Save As.
  2. Give your template a name.
  3. From the type menu, select Word Template (*.dotx).
  4. Once you have selected Word Template (*.dotx) from the list of choices, Word will automatically change your save location to the Custom Office Templates folder or another default save location set in your Word options.
  5. If that is where you would like your template to appear in your personal templates area, keep this location.
  6. Click on Save to save the file as a template.
  7. Then, open that template.

If you look at the top title bar for that file, you should see the name of the template (instead of Document 1 .docx) and the file extension of .dotx at the end. If so, that means that you are now editing your template.

Now that your template has been opened, you can begin making changes to your template.

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