
How To Create A Custom Bullet In Word 365

I know I have covered several nuances regarding Bullets in Word 365, but I have saved the best for last! And the best is that you can create your own custom bullets. It really is kind of fun to do – just don’t get carried away with it.  We always strive to make our work more professional looking after all.

Follow the steps below to learn how:

  1. On your Home tab, in the Paragraph group, select Bullets.
  2. In the Bullets list, click Define New Bullet to display the Define New Bullet dialog.


  1. In the Define New Bullet dialog, Symbol  will open the Symbol dialog, and from there you can select a symbol for your custom bulleted list:


  1. You can select any other font in the Font list if you prefer to choose another symbol from that font, (i.e., Square).
  2. You can use the Picture to select a picture from a file or from the Internet and use it like a bullet.
  3. Font will open the Font dialog, where you can change the color or style of your bullet symbol, (i.e., bold, italic, strikethrough, etc.).
  4. The Alignment list can set the distance from the left, centered, or right margin where Word places the number.
  5. Word will show the chosen symbol as a bullet in the Preview zone.
  6. Click OK to implement your new bulleted list.

Go ahead and play around with it.  I think you are going to have a lot of fun making new lists now eh?

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