
How To Clone A WordPress Site

I have written about cloning WordPress sites before and because I moved to a new hosting company some months ago, the process was a little different. Having built a new website for the Spanish version of my book, I needed to create a mirror image of that site in English which is easy because both are static sites without a blog. Prostack, the hosting company I am with, uses a version of cPanel with Softaculous which is described as an auto-installer that makes installing web apps easier. I used Softaculous to install WordPress on elultimopresidenteingles.com, put the site together with the Landing theme from Themify, and then set about creating a sub-domain with the prefix eng/. After that, I went back to Softaculous to clone the site to the new sub-domain.

This stage of the cloning process is very important because you must be sure that you are cloning to the correct domain. If you have several active domains, it’s a good idea to double-check that you are cloning to the correct domain or sub-domain because you may accidentally overwrite a valued website that took you weeks or maybe months to build.

Once the cloning process was completed – less than a minute – I then edited the site into English, changed one or two images, and backlinked each site to one another. That is to say, I created a menu dropdown on each site with a link to the other language version, and here is the version in English eng.elultimopresidenteingles.com. The advantage of cloning is much more pronounced if the site is static – a showcase if you like.

And that’s it! A simple way to clone your websites.

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