3 thoughts on “How To Block People On Facebook”

  1. What if someone is using one of my friends name on Facebook and I clicked to friend them. Then I found out my friend was hacked. If I block the fake friend will I block my real friend? I appreciate your information. Have a pleasant week. Thank you kindly, Kathy

    1. Hi Kathy,
      Now if the person created an account using your friends name and image then blocking them should work. You are only blocking the user that has copied your friends account. Does you friend still show up when you search for their account? You see two profiles of your friends name? I feel you should be able to block the spoof account and be all good. With the information you have given this is my best answer. You can allows unblock the user even if you accidently blocked them. I hope that helps.

  2. Glad you are on top of such items Jason. Glad I am not into social media. Way too many hoops to preform, Mindblower!

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