
Have AI Create Art For You

You can have Artificial Intelligence (AI) create a piece of artwork for you by going to this site:

It’s pretty easy to use. Type anything where it says Type anything in the Enter prompt box or pick one of the suggestions just under it. I clicked on Fire and water.


Then you pick your Art Style. I picked at random, Psychic. Then I clicked on Create.

The first time I tried this nothing happened except for the word Creating in the section on the right and a little animated timer. So I refreshed the page and tried a second time and that time it worked.

When it finished, it gave me a chance to save it by putting in a name and then clicking on Save. If you keep the Show prompt in network switch on the words entered in the Enter prompt box will be printed on the bottom of the picture.


So experiment and have fun creating your masterpieces. Here is my AI-created masterpiece.


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