Glad the keyboard/mouse worked for you. Now we know what the problem is.
I'm not sure of the specifics on Vista, but in the Control Panel there should be Add/Remove Software, or something similar (Programs and Features I believe).
In there, you should see Logitech's Wireless software (not sure what it will be named). Tell it to remove this software. (Make sure you have the CD or have downloaded so you can reinstall).
Next, go to your Device Manager (also in Control Panel)
With the Wireless keyboard and mouse plugged in, locate them in their appropriate category (keyboard, mouse, pointing device, etc). Right click on them and choose delete. Tell it you're sure. Tell it you're sure again. Tell it you're really sure, then tell it to do it. (just kidding, I don't think Vista is really that bad).
When you reboot it will re-recognize the hardware and reload the drivers.
And...hopefully that does it.
Performed the actions as described in your last post. Began by exiting the Logitech Softpoint software. That turned off all advanced features. Next was deletion of keyboard & mouse. Then rebooted. Got back to the desktop without problem. Tried the restart function but same problem. Nothing happens. I haven't tried to communicate this problem to Logitech, but do I know enough details to point the finger at them and ask for a solution? Thanks for the insight.
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